Why not include a direct link to the site? https://fiction.eveonline.com/ like this: Eve Fiction - EVE Technology and Research Center / Player Features & Ideas - EVE Online Forums
Your first link is broken, just so you know.
I agree it would be nice to have the fictional stories more accessible.
Yes please.
Could live without the launcher to be honest.
Causes more problems than it solves for me.
I agree that accessibility is an issue. A strangely meta adverse lockout.
I personally would like to see a worldanvil.com partnership and an expansion of the ISD to include moderation of - my fiction, never mind anyone else.
Been playing a while and writing cannon aligned prose still feels like dancing on a minefield.
corrected link
I think this is a great idea.
Actual lore would be more advisable. Fanfic isn’t really mainstream eve content, while the actual story should be.
This thread is about http://fiction.eveonline.com/ , which is official canon lore, not about the forum section of the same name. It’s not fanfic, it’s actual lore written and maintained by CCP.
The ongoing eve background story (written by devs) you can find at World News - EVE Community
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