Add Music to Mining Missions

Been doing many Level 4 Mining Missions and noticing when you are inside the pocket for them, no music gets played at all.

Request will be to Add Music Trigger to all Mining Missions in some capacity.

Also, rewards for mining missions need a buff…


It’s because bots don’t need music…

Music would indeed be nice.

I was thinking about a new reward type though:

Deadspace Mining Escalations:

  • Turning in a mining mission has a 10% chance to trigger a Deadspace Mining Escalation event that appears in your agency tab. Deadspace Mining Escalations would work similarly to standard escalations, except the acceleration gate would only allow industrial and mining ships inside (so all mining frigates/barges/exhumers/porp/orca/rorq/haulers/freighters) and would contain clusters of ore of varying amounts and rarities.

  • level 1 missions would escalate to a pocket that contains about 25% of an asteroid belt worth of standard asteroids for that security space, plus around 1% of the amount of ore found in that security space’s “Rare Border Ore” spawns.

  • level 2 missions would escalate to a pocket that contains about 50% of an asteroid belt worth of standard asteroids for that security space, plus around 5% of the amount of ore found in that security space’s “Rare Border Ore” spawns. Can very rarely contain ice or gas deposits.

  • level 3 missions would escalate to a pocket that contains about 100% of an asteroid belt worth of standard asteroids and anomaly asteroids (if any) for that security space, plus around 10% of the amount of ore found in that security space’s “Rare Border Ore” spawns. Can rarely contain ice or gas deposits.

  • level 4 missions would escalate to a pocket that contains about 200% of an asteroid belt worth of standard asteroids and anomaly asteroids (if any) for that security space, plus around 25% of the amount of ore found in that security space’s “Rare Border Ore” spawns. Often contains ice or gas deposits.

  • belt pirates would not spawn in Deadspace Mining Escalations, nor would diamond mining fleets appear

  • NEW level 5 mining missions (low/null sec only) would involve heavy combat elements while mining, and could potentially escalate to level 5 Deadspace Quarries. Deadspace Quarries are not protected by an acceleration gate and belt pirates can spawn as normal, as well as some additional pirate spawn events depending on the escalation site. In return, Deadspace Quarries contain a “derelict compression station” that can be used to compress without an industrial command ship if you approach it and open the interface (similar to winter nexus orca box interface) and around 1,000% of an asteroid belt worth of standard asteroids and anomaly asteroids, plus around 100% of the amount of ore found in that security space’s “Rare Border Ore” spawns, and random clusters of veldsar/spodumain. Almost always contains ice and gas deposits.

1.: Off topic. Post new/unrelated ideas in their own topic.


No. Way too safe. Acceleration gate is okay, but only if the roids to mine aren’t too far away from the warpin point. PvPers should be able to scan + catch the miners in there. Pay attention if you want to be safe!


No. High reward, high risks. If these Escalations contain high value ores, they should be infested by NPCs the miners would have to clear first and of course NPCs could send reinforcements.

Your whole idea is competely one-sided towards making profits without much risk attached and thus not balanced.

that’s because you need something to entice people to actually run mining missions to receive these escalations in the first place. mining missions are basically dead content atm and need SOME sort of reward to encourage people to do them

if the miner survived the pvp/pve combat involved in the mining missions they had to do in order to eventually receive the 10% chance at an escalation, i see nothing wrong with the reward being a bit safer and lucrative for them. not to mention the reward itself requires them to still mine, so it’s not like they get a lump sum of free rare minerals instantly deposited to their item hangar for finishing a mission.

also, the op mentioned mining mission rewards needing a buff, so this isn’t off topic

I have nothing against making Mining Missions more attractive and especially I have nothing against a deadspaced escalation/expedition concept.

The point is, that the general rule in EVE is that more rewarding content is tied to more risky access to that content, so higher rewards should never be more safe at the same time. The idea with a high-quality mining belt as reward is okay, it just has to fit with the general design concept of EVE, which means:

  1. the escalation/expedtion is not in the direct vicinity of the mission agent, you will have to travel a bit to reach it, it can even be in another region (like it is the case for combat escalations)
  2. the escalation/expedition has a chance to spawn in lowsec/nullsec as well and is not strictly limited to highsec (like it is the case for combat escalations/expeditions)
  3. the location itself can’t be scanned down before you access it, but once you are in it, you can be scanned out and attacked in it, so the Acceleration gate can’t be locked for PvPers.

All of your requirements would apply, with the only caveat being that PvPers would have to fit an industrial or mining ship for pvp in order to gank the lvl 1-4 pockets. This was already a common occurrence during winter nexus so it shouldn’t pose much of an issue. As I said, the true jackpot site (the deadspace quarry) would not be protected by a gate at all, so it would be fair game to gank people in there since it will almost always be located in null sec.

(if a gate mechanic is needed to make the system work, then we could say that the quarry has no ship restrictions on the gate)

The difference is, that during the Event it was

  • clear and predictable where these sites would spawn (only in the winter-storm-systems)
  • players had an easy way to go exactly there (using a winter-nexus-filament)
  • the sites were public (don’t need combat-probes to get in there)

These were the reasons why some PvPers could try shenanigans with combat-fitted industrials. All this does not apply to your suggestion. These escalations appear randomly and you need probes to get in there, both completely enough to make it almost 100% safe in there. I mean, who can roam around in a combat-industrial (that even has an expanded probe launcher fitted…) hoping to find some of those random mining operations? No one. Should a PvPer who comes across some miners in there first go to some 20jumps away trade hub, leave his combat ship there and then come back with an combat-indu? Completely unreasonable.

But, we can simply reduce this matter to a single question: If you are already protected from direct warpins via deadspace pocket and the need to use an acceleration gate, what in hell prevents you from just paying some attention and watch local / Dscan to get ready for trouble if suspicious people appear? Nobody will realistically catch you in there if you are not messing it up badly. Explain to me why it is important to hard-code an inaccessibility for combat ships into the concept to make it work? I can’t see a reason to.

Because they’ve already risked enough by completing the previous mining missions in the same area of space, which are not protected at all. Assuming we’re talking about these missions taking place in low/null, then PvP players already had opportunities to kill them in the process of completing enough missions to proc the escalation reward. The fact that combat ships can’t enter the site is part of the “reward” because the current rewards for mining missions suck, and if you just want the contents of those sites without the protection against combat ships… you’d just go and mine the regular sites in normal system spawns. Just needing to be probed down isn’t enough of a protection for these, as probing down a miner or mining fleet is basically instant and almost no extra effort. Alternatively, you’d still have the option to wait for the miner or mining fleet to finish and attempt to leave the system with the entire haul of ore in their hold, which would potentially be far more profitable to catch than actually ambushing them inside of the mining pocket.

One way around this, however, is to attack the pocket with an orca. Not only would you be able to do significant damage with a dps fitted orca, your fleet members could enter the pocket in ventures and then access the orca’s ship maintenance bay to swap to frigates/destroyers/cruisers and begin killing. That would be perfectly reasonable, as long as the ships were stored in the orca and didn’t activate the gate themselves. You could then “claim jump” the site if you kill/drive off the miners and use the orca/mining ships you brought to harvest the site for yourself and make a nice amount of income after the battle.

This is a multiplayer game, afterall. Not everything should be easily accessible to gank for solo PvP players. Working together in a PvP fleet to fill different roles if you want to attack a deadspace mining pocket would make sense.

You could always select tracks from You Tube that fit your listening preferences.

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