Advanced buy orders

Updated op to reflect this is market improvement suggestion not a bot irradication suggestion as the thread seems to be going off topic.

Your edit to the op just made this a time based botting mechanism. Now, instead of botting all the time, you tell the bot “only do this for x number of days or until my order is complete”. You haven’t changed anything about the actual suggestion, just the way you phrased it.

You are still asking ccp to create a bot the would automatically adjust your market orders for you. You are trying to disguise the fact that you’re asking for a bot by claiming that it’s a tool to complete orders in a certain time. But the mechanism is still ultimately a bot.

So by your reckoning firing missile with auto repeat on is using a bot , excuse me while I lol.
Its not a bot if its a part of the game.
Look it up on wikipedia or something

This is probably the worst attempt at making an comparison I’ve ever seen on the forums.

I don’t see what this has anything to do with what you’re saying.

Why don’t you point me to it? (Pro tip: you can’t, because it doesn’t exist)

Stop asking for a way to bot. You think people are botting on the markets (lol), which is why you literally said:

You’ve somehow convinced yourself that there are market bots and are deadset on wanting to bot right back, but are too scared because you think you’ll get banned. That’s why you’re asking for a tool that basically lets you bot in-game without getting banned.

It’d be cool if you could actually admit that and maybe we’d be able to move onto more constructive discussions.

Lucas, there are people who show off these mailed confirmations on reddit and further confirm that the bots, which they’ve reported, have also been removed. You’re not going to claim these are CCP alts now, are you? No, of course not. You don’t seem to be up to date when it comes to botting and punishment. Have you seen their botting presentation from one of the latest mini fanfests? It’s pretty interesting and, according to the people, it really works!

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This is specifically in reference to Alpha bots that farm Combat Anomalies out in nullsec, not Market bots.

It’s not. It’s heavily leaning towards Combat Anomaly bots.

People who say Market bots exist don’t know what they’re talking about.

So you’re dumb AND can’t read.
I said, people who say Market bots exist don’t know what they’re talking about.

I didn’t say Market bots didn’t exist. But you’re free to try and prove me wrong. :wink:

Wrong, bad logic here. You want to try again?

Also bad logic, but okay.

So you don’t know, but we should base things on ~feelings~, right?

Yeah, let’s operate off the ~feelings~ of people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

I can’t help you if you interpret things wrong.

Maybe. Depending on what you define as a market bot, they may or may not. I’d love to hear what you think is and is not a market bot.

I know you think that 0.01 isk bots exist because “how dare someone undercut your order with their own so quickly!”, right?

I’m sure at least one exists. Whether or not is actually used is a different matter.

“Most” he says, as if he knows. Lmao.
This is one of those “I don’t bit, but if I were to, here’s how I would do it” thing that ever EVE player says. You know what, feel free to believe it. You do you, friend. Maybe one day you’ll be vindicated.

Until then, you and people like the OP can circlejerk yourselves about how that person who beat your market orders is most definitely a bot.

Updated op to improve formatting.
Added optional idea.

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