Hi All
in one of my posts (although I do not recall which one) I have mentioned an idea about reprocessing instead of being instantaneous it should take time. Similar to using an industry line or reaction line.
My thinking of this is that you are paying for a structure to reprocess minerals and 99% of the time it is online and not actively being used to me it just makes sense that reprocessing takes time.
I can understand uprooting the entirety of the reprocessing system would be a smack in the teeth for a lot of players, which is why I have mentioned the concept of the longer the reprocessing line runs the better yield in minerals during the end goal.
Now this concept, I’m sure seems like its reasonable idea, better yield in return for a wait.
But it got me thinking, what else could this be used for and my mind instantly went to moon goo.
Hear me out on this one, I’ll explain below.
So in short every miner and industry player in the game has been asking for compression of moon goo for a while now. I don’t think has been done due to the fact that with the way compression, reprocessing and industry currently works it could cause problems with the markets, being able to mine and move easier these resources would create a huge drop in price for T2 production if we used the current system in game.
So this is my thinking
grant players compressible moon ore
however there is a catch
it is not the same compression rate as standard ores.
The compression rate would have to be calculated probably by an economist, who watches over the in game markets to ensure their balanced but it would not be 100:1
considering the concept here is not only compressed moon goo but also a new reprocessing unit to increase the refining yield over time (the longer the wait the better the yield)
this way, we as players now do in fact have our compressed moon goo, its just not so insanely efficient as standard compression
but theres a catch
the catch is that compressed moon minerals CANNOT be reprocessed through the normal reprocessing unit, you have to get one of the new “Advanced Reprocessing Unit” for your structures. (should you choose too)
now you might be thinking “i like the concept but this seems a bit over kill for compressed moon goo”
well my thinking is that the Advanced Reprocessing Units can also equally give you a higher yield for standard ores which have been compressed
the idea is that the “APU” is intentionally designed to give a player better yields from compressed ores, through more careful and less aggressive or destructive means.
Allowing the players a choice of weather or not they even invest in this unit as a whole.
If you’re paying for a structure which does nothing 99.9% of the time and gives you an “acceptable refine rate” I personally think that players will be keen for improved refine rates but at the cost of time, I mean hell, in that time they can just go mine some more!
I’m sure this will need some research however the increase of minerals for t2 ships ultimately should be scales so it doesn’t cause a massive impact on the T2 markets, further more athanors and tatara’s will become targets which means the ISK in the game will flow differently, t2 ships COULD POSSIBLY become SLIGHTLY cheaper however the need to defend a structure is higher, as these structures go up, the demand goes up, which causes a demand for minerals, which is what we’re all fighting for in this game.