hi all, i just wanted to throw out a few ideas regarding the game.
something I noticed a long time ago was that you can’t do reaction in high sec, this is because of some kind of space health and safety act, i suppose my encounter with this has helped fuel my current thoughts.
but with all the resource and structure changes, i wanted to throw a few concepts around i had especially given the current industry changes.
- refining takes time
this one is self explanatory but works on a similar concept to what is above, similar to how reactions run which take time per run, i figured it would be cool to have the option to reprocess over time in return for a higher yield rather than a one click instant form, i want to say the hieghest yield is like 83% or something, i’m sure if you had refineries actually refining over time instead of instant click reprocessing. perhaps the polution from this could create some kind of system weather effect based on the industry index caused by it. was just an idea, i’ve voiced this a few times on comms. people tend to like this one, saying they can see it. it also means keeping refineries fueled and running and having central refineries for alliances would become a thing and hitting a refinery could be huge against an alliance. so it creates a very slight increase in minerals through taking time to refine, but also creates war targets for combat pilots.
perhaps there can be an alternate module or a skill for reprocessing lines, similar to reactions, it also means the specific mineral reprocessing skills would net a further higher yield on top.
I know there is a shortage and re-distribution and all that, but my thoughts are more along the lines of stretching what we have just a teeny tiny bit further. i don’t know how much of a percentage would make a difference, but the thought of a higher yield but over time would ultimately counter balance the change, keeping us in that nice bubble we have now.
- the in station repair service should not only take time but be better than the tethering system.
as far as i’m aware regarding the in game lore, the stations are all meant to house some kind of citizens of normal people, i just figured it would be cool to have the repair service in station have some kind of additional benefit, perhaps if you use it, the repairs will take a set amount of time to complete but perhaps you get a small addition of an extra 10% over shield or something.
in terms of the game lore (at least as it is known to me, i maybe wrong after all)
this way when you take your ship out into the field and have a good old battle you can literally put it into the shop
I am interested and curious in hearing your thoughts people.
(edited for better structure)