AFKing for long hours in stations

Me too with my new chars, but I’ve had to rethink fittings as merely having cloak fitted increases locking time. I have a nice little perch right under the undock exit at Jita…you wont find me sitting in the station for hours :slight_smile: I’m mainly after suspects…for which Jita is quite fruitful.

Not my fault you completely misunderstood what I was saying there.

Since you are unable to understand simple context, let me be perfectly clear. I’ve no desire, need, nor want to participate in your childish little dick measuring contests. I do not need justify myself to you for any reason you could possibly come up with, and have zero interest in continuing to have this discussion with a child.

The only reason you got this response is apparently muting you simply isn’t good enough, and I have to completely ignore you to block your stupidity.

Since you obviously cannot understand the two simple words, good riddance, let me be clearer so your immature mind can comprehend it.

I don’t want to talk to you no more.

Yet, here you are (again).


Ugh. The ignore function here is annoying.

I still get notified the troll posts and have to actively dismiss it.

Relationship goals is when your SO falls asleep and you remove their contact lenses for them.

Way back in 2013, my first CEO, who played Aussie time, was logged in pretty much all day, afk, except for about 4 hours each night. I was told he did that so he could review corp chat. I don’t remember exactly how many active players were in my initial corp but, there were usually, 6 or so players up to over 30 active players at any point during the day, actively playing (not afk) and vigorously discussing various corp dramas, all day long.

So, I guess being logging in 23 1/2 hours a day, my CEO was able to keep track of the gossip.

Being a new player, I just assumed it was a common EVE custom.

Every person doing it has a reason, and that reason is most likely different for each person.

That’s why this thread is ridiculous.

Lmao! Or turn their game off for them.

I’ve also let the game run afk while I cooked dinner, ate, took a shower and went grocery shopping.

This is why



The funniest part of being “afk” is suddenly talking at a weird time because youve gotten up to go to the bathroom or whatever at night when everyone thinks youre gone. Never know!! Paranoia at its best… is it real!!! :rofl: :rofl: :thinking: :shushing_face:

Can confirm that we must always wait until they finish napping.

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Most of the time, the game mechanics will disconnect the server and client. There have been a few times when the client stayed connected to the server after 8 hours of AFK.

If the player is inactive for 15 minutes. I think the game should go into stand-by mode for 30 minutes before disconnecting from the client.

No thank you!

I mean, minimised it uses barely any resources and it means i can alt-tab to do something else, why would i want to close the game entirely each time?

In my corporation it was widely understood that quite a few people stay online when AFK to give the impression of activity. Of the Stasi watching you. To breed insecurity. To make you scared of farming X right under their noses. When will they log on again? Hmmm!

Pfff. Sacrifice a few frigs and you’ll find out, trap the poor schmuck with your corpmates once he takes the bait, problem solved.