Akadeimia Keipouron: We'll teach YOU HOTT Space-Knowledge Sexytimes!

Recruitment is open! Did you know? We have more valid targets than all the big power-blocs, because all those guys come here for fights! PvP is right on your doorstep, every day!

Recruitment is open! On this, the last day of this accursed year in these, our fallen times, we want you to know that we’re here to help you make better life choices and/or make a whole lot of bad ones, so you can start the new year with/without a whole steaming heap of Regret™! We don’t judge!

Recruitment is open! Start YC122 off right! Make some promises to yourself, like learning some exciting pvp skills with us, and shooting more trolls right in their stupid face, with missiles! It won’t be weird like last time, we promise!

Recruitment is open! This celebrity magazine says I should try out this weird diet so that THIS YEAR is the year I finally get the cute tummy I’ve always wanted, so I’m going to give it a shot! I think this is going to be what finally turns things around for me!
(but if weird diets isn’t your thing, maybe joining our corp and learning some new skills will be!)

Recruitment is open! Fly safe!

Hi Elassus,

As a returning player looking for a place to learn pvp, I was about to create my own thread and then I saw yours. I have to say, your sense of humor and enthusiasm caught my attention. :slight_smile: I’ll hit you up in game.

Hurrah! We’re always happy to meet new people! See you soon!

If you are also interested in learning pvp, or any other new life skills, we’re here to help! You can reach out here, in-game, or on our Discord (the superior method, because it has pictures of dogs).

Recruitment is open! Remember your mother’s advice and always have clean underpants!

Recruitment is open! When you visit our Discord, be sure to post pictures of dogs! With their consent! We don’t do that revenge-doggo-pic stuff, but if you know a dog who is a Very Good Doggo (spoiler: they all are) who you’d love to share, this is the place!

Recruitment is open! Remember to start your day off right with a good breakfast, some light exercise, and shooting reds right in the face, with missiles!

Recruitment is open! Come join us, and learn important life skills, like accessorizing and serving “looks”, but also how to have a great time learning about pvp, EVE, space, ships, etc.!

Recruitment is open! If you are like me, and have Regrets™ about your life-choices, what better way to move past all that recent unpleasantness than learning some pvp skills, and then showing those skills to the neighbors, by shooting them, with missiles, right in their stupid face? They’ll be so proud of all you’ve learned!

Recruitment is open! I FC regular training fleets, so if you are A Noob, you can get experience with all the HOTT pvp sexytimes, in a wholesome, non-judgmental environment!

(I’m also a terrible FC, but I put myself out there for you anyway, because I love you)

Recruitment is open! Public NRDS pvp roams every Saturday! We want to help you experience some pvp sexytimes, because we love you and want to broaden your horizons and show you new things! It’s not shameful at all! It’s beautiful and natural, and everybody should try it!

Recruitment is open! Regular pvp sexytime fleets, in every timezone! Did you know? Regularly letting out those negative emotions you have because of a recent celebrity break-up, or Drama, is an important part of maintaining good health and staying well! Just like regular purging helps keep all those drugs from lingering and turning your internal organs into soup! Stay sparkling clean!

Recruitment is open! Come hang out with us! We’ll gossip about celebrities and try out the latest beauty tips we saw on the holonet, but we’ll also give you lots of experience shooting reds right in their stupid face!

Recruitment is open! We are here to share our knowledge of the game with you, to help you grow and become a better pilot. We are also here to share these missiles with Those Trolls, right in their stupid face! Sharing is caring!

Recruitment is open! I made cupcakes!

Recruitment is open! Hop in and join our hot pvp sexytime fleets! Or ask us how we can help you branch out and explore industry, or invention, or maybe if you’re logi curious we can help you discover your True Self! We don’t judge! We’ll accept you for who you are, even the weird stuff!

Recruitment is open! Fly with us! We’ll take you on a magical missile-sexual adventure through time and space, and when you return people will be all, “whoa are you OK? You seem … different somehow” and you’ll get this faraway look in your eyes but you won’t be able to explain it to them. Their eyes haven’t been opened to the Truth!