Akadeimia Keipouron: We'll teach YOU HOTT Space-Knowledge Sexytimes!

Recruitment is open! Don’t forget: if you want to fly with a great corp full of people who accept you and love you for who you are, and won’t ever “kink shame” you for your love of “e war” or whatever, there’s no better place to be than with us!

Recruitment is open! We have all the pvp sexytimes you could ever want, at every size! Small-gang intimate encounters, large-scale stratop fleets full of uninhibited ship-swapping, and everything in between! If you would like to experience a whole world of new and exciting sensations involving missiles, drop by and experiment with us!

Recruitment is open! Make sure to join us delivering some holiday cheer to those reds over there, in the form of shooting them right in their stupid face, with missiles! It’s a holiday miracle!

Recruitment is open! We can offer you a wide range of EVE experiences! Whether you want to do small-gang pvp, or join large coalition fleets, or dabble in ship-swapping right out in the open where everybody can see, we’ll help you on your journey of magical self-discovery!

Recruitment is open! If you are struggling with questions like, “what is missile?” and “where did the fleet go?” and “reps plz?” don’t despair! You’re not alone, and we are here to help you sort things out in this difficult time!

Recruitment is open! If you are interested in discovering new and exciting things about yourself, like what it might feel like to dress in avant-garde fashion or to shoot reds right in their stupid face, with missiles, come hang out with us! We’ll help you sort things out in these difficult times!

Bump !!!

Bumping !!!

Recruitment is open! Don’t be alarmed by the amount of “hard body” erotica and tentacle-themed drone-fic in our corporation library! We want you to experience all there is New Eden has to offer you, so you can discover your true passion! The mind (and those tentacles) wants to be free!

Recruitment is open! Ask us about our avant-garde fashion choices! You’ll be shocked at our hairstyle inspirations!

Recruitment is open! We brought cupcakes!

Recruitment is open! If you are feeling despondent because you just read about a celebrity break-up and now “love is dead” and “nothing matters anymore”, don’t give in to despair! We can help you overcome tribulation in these difficult times, by shooting reds, right in their stupid face, with missiles!

Recruitment is open! I made hummus! That’s not even some euphemism for weird sex stuff! It has chickpeas and garlic, and this funny-smelling spice I got from some Gallente shipcaptain in Placid that makes your eyeballs itch when you eat it! It’s very avant-garde cuisine!

Recruitment is open! If you’re wondering how you’re going to carry on after reading about the latest celebrity break-up, talk to us! We’ll help you figure things out in this difficult time!

Recruitment is open! We have implemented new security measures to protect our friends from Those Jerks, which means now when you join we’re going to read through your sexts and talk about them! Don’t worry, we’ll never shame you for that celebrity-crush fanfic you’ve been writing, because we love you and support your hobbies.

Recruitment is open! Don’t worry! If you are curious about things like “tentacle-themed drone-fic,” or “hard body erotica” or “ewar”, just know that we’ll never kinkshame you for it! We love you and support your hobbies, and want you to discover your true self!

Recruitment is open! Don’t be alarmed if things are confusing right now! It’s just the latest fashion trends, and you’ll feel much better once we sit down and sort things out a bit!

Recruitment is open! If you’re looking for something more in your EVE career, just wait until you see our special collection of animatronic puppets! You’ll be shocked and amazed!

Recruitment is open! Don’t be shy! If you want to know more about our collection of tentacle-themed drone-fic, just ask! We’re here to help you discover yourself through a series of confusing and exciting experiences!

Recruitment is open! Don’t forget to ask about our avant-garde poetry classes! You’ll be amazed at how our FCs deconstruct things like “words” and “meaning” while delivering powerful imagery that speaks to you, while also shooting some reds right in their stupid face, with missiles!