Akadeimia Keipouron: We'll teach YOU HOTT Space-Knowledge Sexytimes!

Recruitment is open! Come say hi! If you’re uncomfortable in a crowd, we have some dogs you can pet! They’re friendly!

Recruitment is open! We have an extensive library of skillbooks at your disposal! Visit our Lifelong Learning Center!

Recruitment is open! Did I mention our Discord has lots of dog memes?

Recruitment is open! Come read some of my poetry!

Recruitment is open! Ask about our Slam Poetry Night! It’s always a hoot!

Recruitment is open! Come hang out on our server! We’ve recently installed upgrades that also allow bird memes!

Recruitment is open! Come join us as we destroy our rivals in a rap battle!

Recruitment is open! Wheeeeeeeee

Recruitment is open! Come visit and experiment with new fashion concepts! I just might change your life!

Recruitment is open! Try a cupcake!

Recruitment is open! Come hang out with us and ask about our avant-garde knitting project!

Recruitment is open! Drop by our Discord, and we can talk about our collection of unsettling children’s toys! You won’t quite be able to put your finger on it, but something about that doll’s face is Wrong and it keeps intruding on your thoughts!

Recruitment is open! Come sign our petition to get more cute animal memes added to Discord!

Recruitment is open! Enjoy a refreshing smoothie to start your day!

Recruitment is open! Come join us on an adventure!

Recruitment is open! Come live with us in nullsec, it’s pandemonium!

Recruitment is open! come fly with us and you can experiment with all kinds of different fleet doctrines and ships! We swap them with each other, because we are liberated and aren’t going to be held back by stodgy old morals about purity or whatever. Just yesterday two of pilots stuck their pods in each other’s ships, right there in space in front’a God’n e’rrybody, and weren’t even ashamed about it.

We’re very modern, is what I’m trying to say!

Recruitment is open! Try some invigorating tea, and not that kind your friends on social media keep trying to serve you!

Recruitment is open! Make sure to get enough exercise, and don’t skip Leg Day!

Recruitment is open! Make sure you are emotionally ready for the magical universe of experiences we’re about to share with you!