Akadeimia Keipouron: We'll teach YOU HOTT Space-Knowledge Sexytimes!

Recruitment is open! Come learn about all the latest trends in ambiguous fashion design! It will be exciting and confusing!

Recruitment is open! Drop by our Discord, and learn how you can join our fleets! There’s lots of opportunity to try new things, experiment with new fittings, and not even feel regrets about it the next morning! Take the plunge!

Recruitment is open! Come gossip with us about the latest celebrity wardrobe malfunctions! You won’t believe what we just saw on GalNet!

Recruitment is open! Come visit our Discord! You can hang out in our exclusive drone-themed VIP lounge! The things they do with their tentacles with be exciting and confusing!

Recruitment is open! Hang out in our guest lounge, and you can listen to the drone-themed neo-pop operatic concept album I’m working on! It will elevate you to a new plane of consciousness!

Recruitment is open! Come chat with us on our Discord server, and try the cupcakes! I baked them myself!

Recruitment is open! Come take this quiz to find out what flavor of star-cake you are!

Recruitment is open! Come learn about practicing self-care, like with a relaxing bubble bath, or having a good cry watching your favorite holovids, or shooting reds right in their stupid face with a whole lot of missiles! It’s called empowerment!

Recruitment is open! If you find yourself needing to make a bold statement that’s actually a cry for help, like getting bangs or flying a Raven fit with nothing but passive shield rechargers, you’re not alone! But there is help! You can come hang out in our Discord, and get the help you need!

Recruitment is open! Come visit us and share some dog pictures!

Recruitment is open! Come learn about our custom-tailored workout routines, and discover a new you just in time for the fall fashion season!

Recruitment is open! Make sure you’re getting enough sleep! Blowing spaceships up is hard work!

Recruitment is open! Drop by for tea, we want to hear all about whatever embarrassing thing your coworkers did at work!

Recruitment is open! Did you know? If you’re having some emotional issues right now, maybe because of that celebrity scandal you just read about that has ruined your faith in the promise of true love, and you feel like nothing even matters anymore, we can help! The best therapy for messy celebrity drama is aggression therapy, with missiles! And we have lots of them for you, because we love you and want to see you grow as a person!

Recruitment is open! I run public NRDS training fleets every Saturday! If you’re curious about pvp in nullsec, come join! Hop on our Discord and find out how!

Recruitment is open! Turns out the real adventure is the reds you blew up along the way!

Recruitment is open! Come fly in one of our regular training fleets, where you can learn important lessons about friendship, and also missiles!

Recruitment is open! It’s still summer here! You still have time to get that perfect “beach-ready” bod that you’ve been reading about in the celebrity magazines! Ask us how!

(spoiler: the way you do it is, you take the body you have, and go to the beach with it. Because we love you and would never do that sort of body-shaming! #positivity)

Recruitment is open! Come on one of our fleets, they’re family-friendly! Bring the kids!

Recruitment is open! ZOMG.