Alliance Projects/Hangars - CCPlease

All these new corporation tools and resources are great, however their impact is minimized whenever trying to work at scale with an alliance. Especially when trying to juggle items between hangars since there is no place for alliances to store items outside of individual/corp hangars.

I know I’m hardly the first to bring this up, I just wanted to air my frustrations here about this for something that seems like a simple addition to the game that would be a huge QOL improvement for everyone. Love the direction the game is going, just hope to see it get even better. :slight_smile:


You see frustration, i see building from small corp activities to building it for alliances.

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That’s what I’m hoping for! :grin: CCP just needs to roll things out the same way for alliances and include alliance hangars with it. The frustration is purely because I like these new features a lot and already want to use them at a bigger scale.

Yes Please we need Alliance Hangars!

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Give it some time. Id rather see small scale building than open it up and be all ■■■■■■ up on a large scale.

As much as alliances make eve, small scale corps are important too.

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If this were the case of ‘in-space’ content I would agree, however these corp tools are entirely for tracking/coordinating activities with your group and any technical issues within the corp goals would likely not be fatal to a pilot and be more of a minor inconvenience for a director.

Something is better than nothing and I would rather take a copy/paste of what we already have and apply it to alliances than try to reinvent the wheel for alliances when realistically the only additions needed would be sov related. CCP has already shown they can iterate on the existing system with additional corp goals and objectives, so I wouldn’t think it would be out of reach for them to tool it for alliances in a manner that wouldn’t be too time consuming on the backend after providing us the basics first.

Yes! For the love of Keith, YES! This would be one of the best time-saving moves for alliances, it would inspire corps to work closer together, if one corp can focus on ship building and be able to provide the ships to other corps in the alliance it would create more of a “we’re in this together” kind of vibe.

(I think this is a better addition to the game than giving a ship headlights :slight_smile: j/k CCP, don’t swing the banhammer at me lol)


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