The list has been updated to add in the Flagship for The Bastion who originally submitted their flagship before the due date but were missed from the final tally initially. Apologies to them for the heart attack that must have given them.
Has nothing to do with proliferation. Has everything to do with the fact we can only chose tech 1, navy or pirate battleships. And the insane utility you get from 60km Bhaalgorn webs plus some combination of useful cap warfare, dps, and tank.
We’ve updated the list with the flagships lost on day two:
No Handlebars.
The Clown Car
Spectre Fleet Alliance
With regards to the Band of Backstabbers Flagship, it was indeed fitted illegally, and managed to reach the field due to referee error. In this case as the match was lost, the team eliminated from the tournament and the flagship was destroyed we will only be issuing a warning to Band of Backstabbers
Flogging is frowned upon in Iceland, but the ref in question has been very sternly briefed (and we took away their icecream). We’re considering a number of changes to procedure to stop this from happening again.
Looking forward to learning about these procedural changes. If I may suggest, perhaps a button that sets a flagship status on one ship in the referee tool, which will then change what is shown as illegal?