Alliance Tournament XVII - An Update!

I’d care less about this if I actually thought we’d get anything in return for the AT.

Actual balance passes on caps? Sure.

Iteration on ECM mechanics (let fighters be oldstyle jammed, so blops groups can drop carriers easily again)? Sign me up!

But that’s not what’s going to happen. The devs who do balance aren’t the ones who did the AT anyway. And CCP’s track record on balance is shockingly abysmal, often taking 2+ years to make adjustments that a normal company would have made in a week.

So we get no AT, and nothing in return - less content, less PvP, one less community event. The AT brought people together, inspired rivalries, and passed out prize ships that gave us great killmails every couple months.

It’s worth noting that nobody is against the AT - there’s no constituency for not having one. This thing had 100% approval and a pretty high viewership. I really don’t see a good reason for not dedicating time to run the event each year, and I despair for the future of CCP if they can’t also see this.


I’m not surprised at how long the balancing take’s its a massive part of the game and what keeps people playing but they only have 1 dev doing all the balancing xD

so yea… think it took what 2 months just for AF’s then another month and a half for heavy assault’s nvm half arse balancing combat ceptor’s only to leave them in a useless state T_T, if they balanced things often then at least that would hold people’s interest but I don’t ever see them having enough staff for that.

2 months for AFs is fine, a month for HACs is fine, that’s all good

My problem is when it takes then 2 years to realize svipuls need work

or 2 years to realize trollceptors are bad for fozziesov

or that low-power citadels should have less EHP to reduce grind cancer


The way you fix viewership is how pro sports have done it.

What we need is Fantasy AT :D.

“Both viewership and participation have fallen substantially in the last few years, so it made sense to have a hiatus and look at what we can do to come back fresh.” @CCP_Falcon

This should have been in the OP saved at least 50 of the posts.

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I loved watching the AT and the Fanfest. I dislike loot boxes and SKIN updates.
Eve Online has been stagnant in its core elements, design decisions and game mechanics.
Its community has been idealized to a point where it mainly serves as badge of honor to CCP.

2019 is the first year since 2011 that I decided not to renew my annual subscription
and give my money to other game developers.

Thanks CCP, it has been a fun ride!


This will not come back, AT is not profitable for CCP.


I understand your point but there is intrinsic ‘goodwill of the customer base’

Of course, this being Eve, goodwill is a rare commodity



Making dank skins

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Just to have my voice on record. Played for just over 11 years with one 3 month break outside of when i was deployed overseas i think it’s time to take a break from the game. Not just because of this cancellation, but due to the fact that CCP does not give faith to me in the direction they are going currently. The soon™ line is like an old meme - tired and over used. Give real timelines with what is expected and listen to what players actually want.

I don’t blame the devs on the ground level as they are just doing a days work. I blame their management for making them work on the wrong things.


sooo rorquals online, now no at , fanfest …u guys sold eve… now you ll destroy… and then will create better game ?:slight_smile: is than yours plan ?

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I think after the years 2017 and 2018 where CCP made headlines with bad ideas, horrible communication, and a lot of bad PR. The goodwill that was left towards CCP has gone down the drain. And now alienating your most invested group of hardcore players. Like if someone tried to write a book about bad marketing and bad PR for a gaming company. They could not come up with this.


Sorry for being blunt here, but the past year you haven’t even been able to get your own Events in order, bug free or fun. Why would you think you as a team will have the time and flexibility to support player initiatives of this scale when you can’t even crisis-manage your own?
Also, worst timing ever for this update with the community already in an uproar over the Gala. Tone deaf, even.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


CCP too busy playing Apex, ain’t nobody got time for AT this year

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“We have a lot of stuff going on but can’t say anything about it”
Got to do better than that when starting the year this terrible bro.


Give me more to feel even less optimistic for the future.


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CCP just hates us… And its the final Cash milking effort now before they tank eve.

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Cancelling/postponing one of the biggest draws of new players to the game? smart move

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