Alliance Tournament XVII Starts Tomorrow!

Well, i guess thats as close to “I don’t want users from steam” as possible lol

To be fair, even if it didn’t, its still going to cost them some PR, lets hope CCPA have properly considered the damage this can do given that the majority of EVE players are nerds and understand that NFT’s are BS

I mean there is that report button on their store

Yeah but eve brings in enough money to stream that valve doesn’t care. It’s not like they are know for fair and balanced implementations of their policies

Riiiiight. A free-to-play game totally brings in huge revenue for Valve.

Yeah… a free to play game that loads the store up with predatory Micos

I honestly don’t care one way or the other.

As for crypto being socially acceptable, it’s everywhere now, and plenty of people are using it and trading it, making a lot of actual money from it.

As for the Steam thing, that’s another example of people not reading the fine print or not understanding what is actually happening. There is no issue with Steam - EVE has no NFTs anywhere in the client or the actual game at all. That a third-party is making an NFT around an in-game event has nothing to do with what Valve was trying to prohibit.

You all sound like the folks who were utterly convinced that EVE would be banned in the EU when the hypernet came out two years ago.

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Again, I could say the same thing with traditional gambling.

I guess this is a little different though it’s less gambling when you’re behind the pump and dump

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Yeah, so’s Zuckerberg. That doesn’t make him socially acceptable, either. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dude, I still maintain Hilmar’s claims of inventing the freaking raffle are among the stupidest things ever put on Twitch.


The Monocle stunt was stupider. But let’s see what his genius mind has cooked up for the FF.


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Well, well, well. Curious that browsing Twitter I see a link to a story about EA calling NFTs and blockchain games “the future of our industry”
On the Bandwagon!

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Turn modules into traded NFTs like Pithum A-type invulns then we’re talking.

Like, allow us to burn the module in station, receive the NFT and trade it, then burn the NFT for the item again.

Lock it to the same station to preserve the risk of moving the item through space.

Create a pay-to-earn token that trickles in like SP, but at a steady rate.

Allow us to exchange them for vanity items exclusive to the token.

The concept behind it is… simply giving players some unit of measurement for their time spent playing. Like customer reward points… Doesn’t have anything to do with money. Directly.

Lol. So they do NFTs and in true CCP fashion they put it onto a dead platform. Classic



Haven’t been this excited since bubble jackets

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Current minimum value of a PNG for the seller
+1 ꜩ = US$6.43

For those “lucky” enough to get “final blow” multiple times, this could be a good way to make money off the backs of your alliance tournament team mates and of course give CCP a little cash injection.

That is of course “if” enough players are willing to pay for a PNG.

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Today was just awesome. Some dunks. Some nail biters.

Loving the faster schedule and the 3D mouse camera control.

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Does anyone have a link to the stream?
Google isn’t co-operating.

Twitch simple as that


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Today (7 November) at 14:30 the action starts anew!