Allow users to create Bills for Corporations (maybe Players too)

It might be pretty viable actually, though it might have to be restricted to a corporate v. corporate scope to begin with. A lot of it could piggyback off the code already there for Offices as well as incorporate parts of the contracting system too.

If I’m assuming correctly, the receivables tab under bills in the corporate wallet are for such things as if your corporation owned a structure that had offices rented from it, correct? The implication being that it’s an automatic entry as a result of the system also creating a corresponding payable entry. Plus the automatic “here’s a bill” messages are also in game as well.

Further, with the reasonable comparison that an office rental is no different in practice than a contract, CCP could add a fourth contract type- Services. Much like an item exchange, the second step would (instead of selecting from items) be an entry box that would basically be an extended description entry. This would also allow people to provide URLs to things such as websites or google doc spreadsheets for delivery of the final product. Or for giving more details on what exactly you just paid for. Would also help prevent scummy people from making a quick copy of a spreadsheet and then saying “oh, this isnt what I wanted, I’m not paying you now.”

Additionally, in step 3, there wouldnt be a “I will pay” field. Rather, it would be a required description field*. As for the expiry, the options would instead be “1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks/monthly.” Assuming 30 days for 1 month, or whichever a plexed omega grants for ease of scheduling. Another change as well is altering the “also request items from buyer” checkmark to “Recurring,” but only enabled when on the monthly expiry.

This brings me to the last part: when such a service contract is finalized and created, the receiving corporation (not the one who created it) would receive a Bill Communication that would be nearly identical to the ones currently received for offices.

Bill issued
From: CCPlease
Sent: 2017.06.25 10:00

This is an automatic message. A bill of 3,828,658 ISK, due Tuesday, July 25, 2017 owed by you to CCPlease was issued Sunday, June 25, 2017. This bill is for *“not biomassing your noobass. gIt ReKtEd”

*The end of the message would echo whatever was typed into the required description field on step 3 of the service contract.