No. Rorquals are end game mining. What you say is saying the Navy Vexor is end game ratting in null because it is widely used because of its disposable nature.
hmm nie toughts but i think CCP will not take something back of the current state
for me i would have looked different anyways
T1 hulls up to battle cruisers only (none of this gnosis / praxis / sunesis / apotheosis like hulls)
no T2 modules, no T2 weapons, no T2 rigs, no T2 mining equipment
no faction hulls (strations, gila, navy ships)
no deadspace / officer modules
mining up to barges (multiboxing alphas is not allowed so no alpha fleet but mining alts if you are going with your corp/alliance friends
no indy, trading, social, science, reprocessing, production, fleet support, electronic system and PI skills
max level 4 on all possible skills … no level 5 … no specialisations (some skills would have a limit to lvl 1, 2 or 3 but most would go up to lvl 4)
cyberneticy max lvl 1 … biologie max level 0
would look different then now
i would have startet with that and see if it needs to be ajusted but i guess its a free 2 play = long trail anyways
for retunrning players who had a subscription for at least 1 year and 1 day it should have a 1 time possibility to choose what skills your alpha should have until as a alpha … next time you go alpha you get the skills you have chosen befor
i really like the free 5 mill and buy the next 15 mill system
i dont like the “half” speed skill queue … and it should b possible to have a skill plan for at least 20 or 30 days
guess Alpha Clone would look really different in this way and a lot more limited in some ways
some would like it … some would not like it
No, Rorquals are a Capital class mining support ship. Their job is to provide boosts, and compress ore. They are the endgame for a Mining Foreman. Porpoise < Orca < Rorqual
For the actual Miners, it goes Venture < Barge < Exhumer. Sure, you could squeeze in some Cruisers or BS in there, but those aren’t true Mining craft, they’re improvised.
For the actual Miners, it goes Venture < Barge < Exhumer. Sure, you could squeeze in some Cruisers or BS in there, but those aren’t true Mining craft, they’re improvised.
Crazy that works is often called improvised. I remember orbiting a mining belt with rat agro on my ages ago so my allies in their frigates could dive in and mine the jaspet in peace.
Its actually because when CCP created Alphas they wanted them to be more consumers than producers.
So more fail on CCP’s part.
Alphas are just fine and cannot make any real isk. I make a fortune in highsec sec, but it cannot be done on a alpha account unless you consider 100mn VNI good isk.
Alphas shouldn’t have access to anything they can run L4 or L5 missions or any serious ratting with.
Is there any reason behind this or is it just cause you say so?
There’s too much potential for abuse. Access to racial battleship hulls is one thing (even Navy variants), but Pirate hulls have just opened the floodgates for ISK earning potential in Gilas and Rattlesnakes.
opened the floodgates for ISK earning potential in Gilas and Rattlesnakes.
Everything is that way about the alpha clone set. It’s a serious risk. The benefit is that it has a chance at opening back up old players to the game they left ages ago. The cost may be just a bit too high though…
As much as i didn’t want alphas to go bigger than cruiser, i very much doubt this is going to happen. Can’t just take it all away without some major backlash.
Plus, ive just trained a few structure bashers oracle pilots.
I honestly don’t believe there are enough alpha players ( as intended, not alt #27 of some player ) to have a backlash of any import.
Alpha clones are long overdue for a balance pass. Alphas should no longer have access to:
Long overdue. Long. Overdue. Long. Overdue.
Dude, has it even been 6 months since Alphas had battleships unlocked?
I voted for neither, because honestly, they were always a problem.
Consider that any respectable group has ghost clones for home defense. Corms, thrashers, ferox, osprey, you can do it all.
You basically have a toon that’s always at home and ready to undock. Free. Once they’re trained, there’s absolutely no need to maintain them.
For a while we experimented with using them offensively. Create 4-5 alpha accounts, and spread them across far too much space for a hostile fleet to respond to. Attack in whichever one is farthest from their main deployments. Win because they can’t respond.
Total ■■■■■■■■ tactic. Works amazingly well for shield timers too, you just throw 10-15 alphas on each, and if they come defend, who cares.
Somewhat of a separate issue, but yes. Alts are why we can’t have nice things.
Wonder about what the problem really is … isn’t ‘to much ISK’ only really a problem if that amount will let them get Omega Status for ‘free’ fairly consistent within a short period of time? … Seeing that seems to already be a challenge on an Omega Clone, what really is the problem? … Or in other words, how does the income in ISK of an Alpha Clone effect ‘YOU’ … If there is little to no effect, this thread is merely about spite (and trolling Alpha status).
Would also like to know if the OP has tried Alpha Status as a mode of play for a considerable amount of time (say a month), and assessed their viability to sustain his/her mode of play as it’s currently enjoyed on Omega Status. (have you walked a mile in Alpha shoes to be able to make this claim?)
While i haven’t been an Alpha for long enough to assess this situation, i do seem to run into the fact that this game hasn’t been designed for this mode of play. And is retrospectively fitted over the existing game. What i miss most in all honesty is Progress in the Mining Ship Tree; -> Quite possibly the Venture should be Nerfed a bit, to make room for a Cruiser Hull Mining ship, that should be able to mine at 50~60% of a Barge (Basicallly BattleShip mining) …
I also just had another idea (micro subscriptions), but i will post that in a thread of my own as i don’t want to hyjack/derail this tread.
Massive amounts of isk or materials injected into the game destabilises the economy. This affects everyone.
The Omega clone in my honest opinion isn’t really what CCP opens up with subscription anymore.A true omega for me personally are older characters able to plex themselves and few key points in this whole debacle are capital ships esp carriers t3 cruisers and powerful mining ships like the rorqual.
I tested a battleship alpha clone and it is so much worse than my omeaga clone that I pity the pilots that only have the alpha variant. The horrid targeting range alone makes it difficult to play. If you are new to EVE and fly alpha battlelships you won’t have much fun.
I guess that was more targeted towards players coming back and joining fleets for giggles or nostalgia anyway.
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