Alphas and Free to Play

For what they are, the SoCT are OP. This doesn’t mean they’re more powerful than Faction or T2 hulls, but they definitely rank higher than T1 hulls.

• They don’t require any skill training to achieve 100% effectiveness.
• They’re given out for free, which is ironic considering the “red line” has always been CCP selling ships in bundles (but apparently giving them away for free so players can make money selling them is ok).
• They’re the preferred choice for most Alpha characters.

I’m not saying they should be removed and I’m not entirely sure I have a suggestion. Just that if the consensus seems to be that Alphas should have less than why we’re giving them access to the SoCT ships is beyond me. They are excluded from Triglavian ships…


That’s sheer hyperbole and simply not true. They may not have any ‘race’ training but you still have to train for whatever modules are fitted. Most Alphas can initially only fit the prototype gauss gun…it is the quickest to train for and even that takes 12 days. And even then, just looking at an Alpha I have, one can only get 427 DPS out of the ship, including the drones.

It takes a whole bunch of T2 and level V skills in gunnery etc to raise that DPS to 832…which I would regard as ‘100% effectiveness’. It’s not something one gets to in 5 minutes.

This is yet another issue of people spouting forth from their ivory towers on something they have never actually done. I have chars in Gnosis ranging all the way from 10 day old Alphas to 3 year old Omegas. You ‘can’ get them to an awesome level…but it takes quite a bit of training.

If you have several character that all fly the same ship that probably means it’s OP, and given that it requires zero ship skills and is cheap I can see why you’re trying very hard to convince others that they’re “fine”.

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Sure, they are absolutely okay if they would be limited to Alphas only. But in the hands of a max-skilled Vet they simply overpower any other T1 Battleship (non-navy/faction), except for special purposes (Neutgeddons, SniperRokhs or ECM-Scorps…). The fact alone that they have a DroneBonus AND have a bonused weaponrack AND have the most luxurious med+lowslot layout ever is crazy.

Especially if we count in the pricetag -_-


That’s just more hyperbole. My laser Harbinger ( not Navy ) would definitely outclass ( and outrange ) any laser Gnosis fitting. It has 100 DPS more, and greater range, and substantially more tank. I have both these ships.

Even my Navy Augoror, which is just a cruiser with 3 turret slots, has more DPS than the laser Gnosis ( that requires level V Amarr Cruiser ), and again substantially more tank, and obviously way more speed. Its increasingly my ship of choice for suspect hunting, rather than the Gnosis. It is about the same price as the Gnosis.

You keep repeating this lie. Shall I give you the T2 Laser Gnosis fitting and you create a 1 day old noob with ‘zero skills’ and see if they can even undock in it ? In fact my Alphas require 12 days training even just to get into a very basic gauss gun Gnosis.

Sigh…here we go again. So you undock in totally unfitted ships ? Ya know…it might be handy to have some guns, and shield, and MWD, and stuff…lol. Once again I’m arguing with people who seem to be skilled to Dishonest Arguing Level V.

Look, it’s very obvious that you are trying your hardest to convince others that your beloved ship is not OP and is totally fine given what it is, what it costs and what it can do. You trying to change the subject is part of that.

I’m sure you can convince lots of folks that way because as said earlier, most are clueless and they’ll accept anything. Do not try that with me, it won’t work and you’ll just waste your energy and look foolish.

Keep your hands off my Sunesis. My precious…


Ah…trying to move on to Advanced Dishonest Arguing Level 1 now ?

Gosh…I feel really threatened by someone with zero killboard who is trying to lecture me on a whole bunch of ships I have, and have actually used.

Why don’t you people in your massive intellectual ivory towers who pontificate endlessly on how EVE should be played…try undocking sometime !

The Gnosis isn’t limited to Lasers however and a proper fitted and flown Gnosis kills a Harbinger in a 1on1 any time. At least with 90% success rate. You can easily triplerep a Gnosis with dualcapinjectors to completely outtank another BC and have scram+dualweb to more than make up for the speed difference and ensure range-control all the time. Your higher buffer tank will just make you live longer. There are only a few other T1 BCs that can dare to take on a Gnosis Head to Head if the pilot is skilled. And thats pretty much OP for a ship that cheap, that flexible and saving up that much ship skillpoints.
Especially if you can’t even predict what the guy will throw on you. There is a reason why Gnosi are exceptionally baitships. They can handle almost everything, and quite long.

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But then I would never take on a Gnosis close up, with a Harbinger than can do 400 DPS at 75km.

Shhh…before you get told that 1.6 second align time is unfair. Oh, and have I mentioned the dual laser trick with the Praxis ?

Main character syndrome.

But a Gnosis can do 500 DPS at 80km.
And I have a capbooster so can keep MWDing to keep my range if I have to.
And I have a Scram so I can keep other MWD-ships at range if they come too close.

Can your Harbinger?

Why even bother, no sane person counters a scram/point fight comparison with an 80km ranged fight. It’s just deflection and a way to change the subject. I mean, I applaud your effort but still.

the vast majority of Gloria’s posts is gas lighting, larping and nonsense.

Countered by my two sensor dampeners. Probably why my Harbinger is doctrine fit and your Gnosis isn’t.


Because it shows the insane flexibility of the SoCT ships. Yes, they might be inferior at some single purpose uses like absolute max-range or max-buffer tank - but they surpass all other T1 shipy by being able to bring lots of gimmicks, EWAR, Tackle, Application mods and so on. And whatever you can build with a T1 BC or BS, the Gnosis or Praxis can surely rival it in most stats, while even surpassing in others. At a usually lower price. And with the bonus that the opponent initially doesn’t know what to prepare for if he has you on Dscan.

And that whole package is the definition of being OP.

As said, no one want to remove these ships, but making them more viable for Alphas by limiting their upper ceiling would still give them a good spot in the game: Newbros can participate, but Vets can’t dominate.