Am I able to sell myself a Mining permit for my alts or does my Code. alt need to be an (obnoxious) system enforcer?

So you already knew the title makes you look uneducated? k…

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Just make up your own permit, or copy one from someone else’s bio…I did the latter and I am now a hardened (giggity) criminal :pirate_flag:


is “h” a vowel?

Proper usage:
“I’m staying in an hotel.”
“I’m staying in a hotel.”

H is a confusing letter in a confusing language. For this letter special rules are in place. The Times Style Guide recommends the first use example. The second use example is the Oxford and the Received Pronunciation (AKA BBC) style. They’re both correct, it depends on the style you use. The general rule in modern usage, however, is that choosing between a or an in prefixing an h-word depends on syllabic stress. If you pronounce the h, you’d use a. If you pronounce the second part of the syllable (ie with a silent h hence almost always pronounce the syllable with a beginning vowel) you’d use an.

Personally, I prefer the Times style. That’s how I was taught.

Sometimes “h” is silent. The rule applies to the pronunciation, not the spelling. We only use “an” in order to avoid having two vowels being voiced with no intervening consonant. Otherwise, we always use “a”

So this is a holdover from when h at the start of a word was most often silent.

The most common mistake is “an historical” where in modern usage we pronounce the h. So modern usage should be “a historical”.

However for some reason people insist “an” is correct before an h. It’s not really a big deal either way.

If you look at some British dialects the “h” is still silent for many words, as it is with “herbs” in US pronunciation. So in the US “an herb” is correct but in British English “a herb” is appropriate.

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Hey, kid. Psst. Over here. Yes, you. Come here.

Want to buy a mining permit for just five million ISK?

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photo-shopped didn’t happen Frostpacker would never send isk to that space witch

Want to play with code easy to do just sit where they are ganking with a ECM instalock ship like blackbird or scorpion, and ECM them when they engage. Throw one weapon on to get kill mark while gate guns f them up. Or like I do if they attack I just war deck them if I can and go hunting for code pilots. Low sec pvper:) They usually are not happy when they are the ones ganked.

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Send me another billion. I deserve it.

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You are just a small little bear, I will harvest you when you are ready.

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I’m not scared of losing my ship you can’t take away what I don’t care about.

But what if he takes away your frostpacker? All that will be left is iceacid… sounds pretty toxic. :grimacing:

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So, seriously? There are some people to buy those mining permits?
I always tought it was a kind of legend…

Get smart, just mine in the hundred of HS systems in which CODE is not present or find a LS or NS corp and mine with the protection of your corp teamates.

A permit to mine, lol, seriously…

We have ganked miners in all HiSec system. Every system. No exceptions. CCP should build a monument to us.

2 Likes James even posted about it so no excuse for the miner not knowing.


The fluid in our capsules contains some form of acid.

Judging by your face, apparently some more than others.

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I like to think that I am not as toxic as some.

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