Am I the only one that finds in station computer resource use rather excessive?

The only rational thing I’ve ever read from you on these forums… ever.

Once you start drinking the Aiko koolaid, it’ll start with one post, and then another, pretty soon you’ll be clicking the heart button and sending me all your isk.

Also knows as the “Aiko bathwater” just ask @Iceacid_Frostpacker about it I heard he’s a satisfied customer of that product… probably the only customer. :innocent: :blush:


My pilot consumed way too much and after an Evemail by some Highly Respected Eve Online Community member suggesting for me to stop drinking that. I did was I was told!

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The game uses a lot of resources, it’s extremely tough on hardware and makes my graphics card scream bloody murder.

EVE is a lot more than spreadsheets to me so I appreciate all the work the devs have put into it so far, even if my hardware disagrees.
Too bad that some of that time and money wasn’t used to solve some issues like finding a way to bring back Bounties and revamp Missions.

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