AMA - CCP Acquisiton by Pearl Abyss! Starts at 16:30 UTC!

Not according to the bot makers website and forums you’re not…


Heh. Did you know that in the other topic people actually predicated exactly that angle of approach? :slight_smile: Almost literally so :slight_smile:

People know that CCP has no control if push were to come to shove. They want to see that CCP is aware of that as fear (you have done that), they do not like CCP using that fear (borderline), they are far easier to accomodate with practical insight which demonstrates vision / plan / feature / content.

You’re in an impossible position, but it should be possible as well to get some leeway and provide the exact required angle. Even if it may require providing some things which may not fully be ready for marketing / publication. Not grand stuff. Not PA stuff. Just EVE stuff. But little things people can consume as indicators, emotional benchmarking basically.

Have a drink :slight_smile:


No but if you meet me behind the CCP office in Reykjavík, I’ll the short guy with the fake mustache and glasses.


My concerns have been about my extended family (the Devs) and their continued health, well-being and employment.

I was a bit concerned the Dust reboot might wither on the vine.

In 13 years there have always been the Eve is Dead crew, so that was less of a surprise when it reared it’s head.

The only real spin I’m not sure I believe is when you say they respect our community. They have clearly never been on the receiving end of a threadnought.

This has gone from answering questions in order, to jumping 200-300 posts and answering ones from less than 30mins ago.


Fair enough.

I’m glad you are personally so excited about this and I’m looking forward to whatever you guys have coming up.



Whose your favorite alliance and are they recruiting

@CCP_Guard @CCP_Falcon Will we finally be able to get the Leviathan Steel Cardinal Skin so i can complete my Levi Skin collection?

Thank the volune of retards bent on making this conversation unreadable.


@CCP_Falcon Another not-quite-serious question occurs to me:

Obviously, PA are the makers of BDO. They’re interested in how you guys relate to us. Gevlon moved to BDO, didn’t he? Tell the truth, Falcon, PA’s buying CCP just to see if his head explodes when you show up on their boards to take the piss out of him again, aren’t they?


Would be fair to answer those that came first, first.

  • How long has this acquisition been in the works? Approximately what time frame so that your player base can get an idea of the kind of changes, both in game and in your staffing, that took place around that time.

Can’t really be specific as I don’t really know, other than “a few months”.

  • Your company’s decision to remove community team (or whatever you had been calling it at the time) was objectively a bad one, and caused you a lot of PR problems. Now that hopefully you’ll be receiving a boost in your staff budgeting, what kind of changes can we expect to the number and type of staff at CCP Games?

Too early to say, really, but we’ll see what happens going forward.

  • In the past few years, you’ve made both undeniably good quality of life changes to lessen the edge of loss in Eve Online, and made extremely questionable decisions (such as the release of skill injectors and extractors) that have had lasting effects on the game. Should we expect to see more “pay for convenience” items being introduced into the game, and if there are many, will part of your new funding be dedicated to integrating/balancing those mechanics in a positive way?

Again, there’s no plans to change our current roadmap in terms of what’s coming to EVE. Some of it will be new features, some of it will be iterations on services and features we already have within New Eden.

  • Will your new mobile title reach western markets, or be exclusively targeted at eastern/asian markets?

Too early to say really, but I believe the plan is to lanuch in the asian market first.

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Will there be more jobs at CPP as a result of this? I was thinking of applying…

A lot are the same redundant questions just asked differently.

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As mentioned earlier feel free to apply

I feel ya, my question wasnt answered either. It all good tho, this is day 2-3 of this annoucement.


You can buy one now if you want, they’re on the market.

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But a lot of these answers are also redundant, and answering the same things over and over whilst ignoring others.

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But can we buy an anime monocle?

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@CCP_Falcon Is this the reason you couldn’t come and get absolutely smashed in Dublin last weekend?

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