AMA - CCP Acquisiton by Pearl Abyss! Starts at 16:30 UTC!

When someone buys your house, you don’t typically get to put in the contract what kinds of parties they get to hold, or what color they paint it. Quit badgering the man because you’re not hearing what you expect to hear.


We cant offer what Pearl Abyss in terms of resources/know-how/markets etc can, aside from cash.

Also I think it was something like 20,000 dollars per active player to match the offer.

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Think all the question i was going to ask have already been asked.

glad to hear the CCP will retain control of the eve IP.
sounds like a very good opportunity to grow the game and possibly further into the korean games market.

my concerns relates to the monetisation and pay to win aspects of Pearl Abyss existing game being translated into eve online, from the sounds of it that’s not going to happen.

at least you were not bought out by Electronic Arts

Aw, no answers for me yet :broken_heart: (though there’s been a tangent answer or two to the second question)

Thanks for all the responses so far, and enjoy the movie @CCP_Falcon, I wanna check that out~


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@CCP_Guard @CCP_Falcon

A few more questions:

  1. Why AMA on the Forums and not on Reddit? And who decided it?
  2. How do you plan to compensate us for the premature rage we had to endure?
  3. Do you see any danger with the meta-game getting out of hand with the acquisition? Pearl Abyss is a publically traded company and players might be tempted to buy stock in order to gain influence over CCP. (lel)
  4. What’s your favorite SciFi show of all times and if it isn’t Firefly: why?

Nobody said that.
PA owns all the IPs and every thing that is CCP and EVE.

They own even the toilet paper in the goddam CCP HQ.

They just said that PA has said they wont interfere in CCPs development of EVE.
That can change whenever and however PA wants.


Well, to be more specific with the “house” example you should have added people living there. If there is a possibility for those people to be forced to walk sideways / be forced to leave, then that should be documented.

PS: I’d also suggest you reading a few contracts, those kind of “possible problematic questions” should be considered in the contract creation, or it can be voided.

Investors are holding under 50% of shares, while the owner holds 50% + 1.

425,000*20*500= 4.25 billion

If you’re going to complain about maths, at least try to be accurate.

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Pretty sure EA has said the same thing about Bioware and it’s IPs a few times…
Good thing PA isn’t the Korean equivalent to EA. Oh…wait…


There are two, one on main street, another one on square with statue.

@CCP_Guard @CCP_Falcon

What guarantee do we have that even you were assured CCP stays in charge of Eve one day the other company won’t decide it’s time to “milk” and will force you to make you some bad changes?

We the players put a lot of time into Eve, and it would suck to learn one day that your game will be milked for half a year and then die, cause investors want more money.

These statements are not guarantees of future performance and undue reliance should not be placed on them. Such statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual performance to differ materially from such forward-looking statements.

There, pin that @CCP_Falcon


And you are 100% right on it, Eve will change slow but steady.


No but if you meet me behind the CCP office in Reykjavík, I’ll the short guy with the fake mustache and glasses.

Noted :slight_smile:

I can’t answer it until I’ll read the signed contract between two entities, which can be a top secret document, with a specialized lawyer? What kind of rights or degree of freedom has CCP and what kind of right has PA. Otherwise, it’s just an empty talking of nothing.


I’m looking forward to my gold plated Abaddon with +50% weapon damage and falloff range, and +75% armour.

Just me?

Its a 100% sale.

PA completely owns everything that is CCP, from the toilet-paper in their HQ to all IPs etc.

They can do anything they want, whenever they want, as long as it doesnt break law (mostly relating to CCP staff).


They can even touch our avatars in ways that leave us feeling dirty and sullied. Those monsters.

PA now also owns everything we “own” in EVE.

Its no longer CCP that owns our ships, characters, isk etc.
Its PA.