AMA - CCP Acquisiton by Pearl Abyss! Starts at 16:30 UTC!

Will there be a Fanfest 2019 since Pearl Abyss now owns CCP?

What was the profits generated by CCP in 2017? What was the multiple used to sell CCP for 425m? What sort of market statistics were used to evaluate the price Pearl Abyss paid for CCP? Are there any of the investors left or did they all turn a profit on the sale?

What can CCP Games learn from Pearl Abyss in monetisation mechanics, and apply it in EVE without turning New Eden to ash?


Just answering this for you, Fanfest 2019 isn’t happening in Reykjavík because the Harpa is undergoing large-scale renovations iirc

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Pearl Abyss’ other main game, Black Desert Online, is noted for having a business model that heavily pushes microtransactions for gameplay-affecting items in a pay-to-win manner. I think I speak for the majority of the community when I say that I am extremely opposed to such a business model and do not want to see it brought to Eve. To put it bluntly, it would destroy everything that makes this game special, and I would not play such a version of this game. I think it’s safe to say that this is the community’s main worry at this point.

Are there any specifics (not press release boilerplate, please) you can point to to show that this won’t happen? PA’s track record on this is very much not reassuring, so I at least am disinclined to take their word for it at face value.

  1. Do you think that this will change the development cycle for EVE?
  2. Will pearl abyss have any say in any new features to EVE?


Congratulations on the good news, I wish you the best.

My questions are the following:

  1. CCP’s products are first and foremost aimed in a niche market. While PA has the mentality of en masse produced product, with a low cost entry for the consumer, and various premium additions. How does this difference of mentality is viewed from CCP?

  2. Will we see in the future a more business oriented roadmap-the likes of EvE development roadmap, for the various business projects of CCP? Do you think this is something that must be communicated? There was many instances in the past where CCP communicated a lack of resources over various projects but apparently the company is healthy enough(both in level of product but also financially as CEO Hilmar stated there were around 40 million in cash reserves.)

  3. Will PA transfer resources to CCP to enlarge the studio and throw more development for CCP? Will they lead the development if that happens or CCP?


I apologize if these questions have already been asked:

  1. Will PLEX purchase rates remain the same?
  2. Will Omega Subscription rates remain the same?
  3. Will Alpha and Omega Clone states within game remain the same?
  4. Will Character Service rates for Transfers, MCT’s, Extractors, etc, remain the same?

Thank you and good luck to CCP.


My question is simply:

Are there any plans that where unpopular internally previously that might be reignited due to this change?

If so can you share any of that with us?

Side question:
Will the CSM remain and will we see more round-table-esc discussions surrounding any PA lead changes in the future?


Black Desert Online is infamously known as an example of how to screw up game through pay to win, where win is death of game for short term cash grab.

  1. Question: what development of P2W are we going to see in EVE in the future?

  2. Pls elaborate a little more on planned development of EVE and balance changes in regards to this acquisition, including basic timeframe.

Thank you for your answer


Unlike many other online games, Eve Online is all about the players.

Over the long history of Eve we seen many personalities that have made huge contributions to the game, some liked and others disliked, but in the end they are players, not some inserted lore piece by the developers.

This game feels alive because it is, once you undock you have no idea how things are going to go, there are no scripts in the back guiding your experience on rails, Eve is different. From monocles to casinos, wars and treason, this place is truly unique.

Business and monetization issues aside, my main concern if for the spirit of this game, this place, this community. Sure, we know that its code running on a server with customers using it; but the people playing, investing their time and effort make it much more than that.

I hope, that the CCP acquisition by Pearl Abyss allows Eve Online to keep its unique personality, that rebel spirit that has made this game what it is today.

Was this aspect considered during the acquisition?


With regard to EVE’s target audience - thus far, it’s been targeted towards western gamers. Will your focus remain on satisfying the Western markets, or will you shift to try attracting a different demographic such as Asia?

How do you intend to satisfy your target demographic going forward?


How will player data be handled? Will the data stay in EU area or moved to elsewhere? Will the future service we get be GDPR compliable?


Will we still be able to pay the monthly sub with PLEX and retain the current access we have to all the ships Omega status currently grants by that?

Will more varied sales packages be added with ships and other boosters included in the cash shop?

Will we receive passive perks at certain SP amount threshholds? Like overall dmg bonus at 100mil SP and so on?


Bit of a non-question :stuck_out_tongue: There’s legal requirements, both for a studio located in Iceland, as well as business requirements for trade zones.

This is actually simple, PA cannot give any assurances on player data. For them it is their property. For EU citizens however it is their data. Want to sell to EU? Then you have to comply with EU requirements.

It will become easier to use EVE as a petri dish for behavioural and economics studies however, but that is way outside the scope of this topic.

I’m surprised nobody has put the timeline of game design changes, product packaging for sales negotiations and the list of game balance issues together. Such as rorquals, injectors, etc. Seems nobody is asking actually tough questions even on the stream of Packs and special sales as a venture tool towards sales.

It kinda shows how fractured the EVE Community is these days. On Reddit and other forums there’s very constructive and well referenced topics where questions are asked in relation to these things where one might press CCP for an answer along the lines of “will X be addressed now that you are done with packaging and bookkeeping as the in game effects are unstable / negative”.

My question is to CCP Hilmar, do you still love EvE?

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Gratulations to this interesting step into a hopeful brigth future. Here are my questions:

  1. How will this effect the development cycle for Eve Online?
  2. Eve Players fear about P2W coming. What do you answer them?
  3. What does this mean for announced CCP Projekts like (or especially for) Project: Nova ?

With this new thing happening, will we see the source code be re-written for multi-threading to help ease TiDi and help prevent the chance of a node “stuck” or death event?

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CCP Sofa

  1. Exactly how much autonomy will CCP retain over EVE’s development?

  2. Will Pearl Abyss have the ability to “take the wheel” if CCP fails to meet financial targets?

  3. Pearl Abyss has a notoriously bad reputation for their monetization practices in Black Desert Online. Practices which are reminiscent of the “Summer of Rage” which nearly destroyed CCP in 2011. Was this considered when formulating this transaction?

  4. How will this acquisition affect official EVE events and player partnerships such as EVE NT and Streamfleet?