I would rather have sent this to @CCP_Falcon himself but I cant seem to figure that out. I’m apologizing to him (and CCP by extension) and I’m also apologizing to @Jennifer_Austin for the same reason. I’m apologizing for my unacceptable remarks on the forum regarding jennifer’s post. My comments were totally unacceptable and I will take extra care of my input in the future, abiding by community guidelines.
Oh please, no one at CCP deserves,any apologies in fact we deserve their apologies for the sorry state the game is in .
Sebat Hadah Apology accepted and I mean the thing is I could have been more detailed two of my circumstance maybe I need to go back and rewrite that post in more detail of why I feel is necessary I should have been more details so that personally my problem also
Oh noez internet feels have been hurt.
The guy is clearly a public exhibitionist. Any normal person would’ve used private messages
TLDR - noone cares, noone did.
well its not about you so…
Yes, if only CCP allowed us to use that functionality
You cared enough to post that
It also appears that Jennifer cared. Either way, your premise was flawed from the very start.
Now that this has been resolved so nicely don’t let the core principles of EVE be hurt so gank her in-game a few dozen times.
Mad respect man, it takes a strong back bone to admit when they went to far and apologize for it.
Too soon
This really should of been a Private message. Simply click on there name in the forums and hit the Message button.