I liked your post because you are making me think this through and that was why I made the op in the first place, to get my head round bumping as a mechanic.
It’s not about fair, I think-
I believe now it could be used to bait the wary and uninformed, benefiting the ganker and possibly bringing back suspect baiting in a big way
while at the same time allowing players who understand the mechanics to move huge shipments across space with zero risk, rather than a balanced risk.
(remember also, moving large valuable cargos across space is logistics and the backbone of any war- it is hardly a neutral act and many consider it PVP as pilots compete for arbitrage opportunities)
Your green safety is to stop you from accidentally performing an action that could have you concorded or going suspect, its a safety- it does not declare innocence but protects the player from accidentally locking a gate with hot weapons etc, it is a ‘safety’ to prevent someone from committing criminal or suspect acts by mistake.
Consider this scenario.
I wish to kill a DST which my alt has scanned and which contains a very valuable cargo.
I wish to do this in high sec, without incurring sec loss or concordunken.
I set my gank fit but tanked BS at a gate I know the DST will be coming through.
I have my fast aligning bump ship ready.
I set the safety on my BS pilot to green- to safe- but I am not innocent and nor are my intentions, I merely want to ensure I do not commit a criminal or suspect act.
When the DST starts to align I bump it with the Mach, into my BS character who has safety on green, eventually this will turn the DST suspect and my gank BS can kill it without consequences.
My bumping ship may now be suspect also, but the DST cannot kill it, and if they bring friends I am fit to bump fast and align fast and can GTFO.
My gank BS at no point has a suspect flag, so anyone defending the DST will be concorded, especially if the bump ‘victim’ can attack without limited engagement.
(as discussed earlier, if the bumpee attacking the suspect bumper gives limited engagement then this is just free ganks for anyone- and would be even more OP for the bumper/ganker- and make baiting even easier).
Now we can say, wait, if the DST has their safety to green, if we ‘extend its use’ from being a ‘safety mechanism’ to a ‘don’t want pvp so my bumps are innocent module’ then
the bumping mach can set their safety to green, get no suspect flag, and the DST cannot align, and my gank BS must suicide it the old fashioned way.
So already I am thinking how this could be applied to ganking bling fit mission runners, ‘bump baiting’, or say in FW could turn bumping from an act of interdiction to actually using enemy, neutral, or friendly ships as missiles to get free flags and easy kills of pirates, without sec loss etc.
EDIT: if green safety was changed from safety to ‘declaration of innocence’ and this meant green safety ships would just pass through others with no bump, then any new eden entity can move any cargo for war or otherwise, where and when they want, with zero risk. And that would break the game. And many of them are not innocent in the sense of not wanting pvp, though all could set their alt haulers safety to green.