An Open and Honest Letter to CCP from an Alliance Leader

Ofc they’ll read it and they will “consider” it but we should most likely just wait for a few more month, soon we will be overwhelmed with amazing new features… like we’ve already seen waste-mechanic, more PI-Stuff and higher PLEX-Prices.
Players love that stuff, they love being miserable and feel like more home-office in their free time.


good to see that people still care about a once great game. I’m personal done with it. no, you don’t get my stuff.


I’d resub the four accounts I unsubbed if CCP listened to stuff like this.


Thanks Shines. Great read and great ideas. I really hope CCP realizes how much we all care for this game and truly want them to be successful so that the game is also successful. I’m glad to see you didn’t bring any negative tone to this post, as you are only pleading to save something we all cherish!


+1, we stand with you darkshines. We are fighting for what we love, and we will not go quietly into the night.


Bring back the ores in Null sec? Oh hell yes! Give the new player back the ability to build his/her own ships instead of depending on an old vet ship it in from high sec.


A lot of simple changes that would greatly improve the game again.

Perhaps have structures still “auto repair”, but instead of instant make it like passive shield recharge.

Give remote hull repairers a use again! :slight_smile:


EVE always used to be hard work to get somewhere but when you did you got a buzz and then the fun started.

Now it feels like a job - and a dull, monotonous grind of a job for low “pay” that CCP expect me to expend more and more of my shrinking RL income on to “enjoy”.

I guess that’s why all my characters are unsubbed and I don’t log in/undock any more huh CCP? :thinking:

Please listen to Shines and the player base CCP. We want to play this game, we really do.

So why did you bring back the AT? Why do we keep getting small gang PvP rammed down our throats?

Was it the latest AT winners that made the international press? Or was it battles like BR or M2?

Listen to your player base - we want your game to carry on. We want to play. We want to build ships.

And then blow them up in fights including the huge fleet fights EVE is famous for.


Remove all caps.

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While you add what to the conversation exactly? The EVE login figures are dropping monthly.

How would you fix the game oh super wise non cat herder? If you’re going to contribute why not add something of value to the conversation.


I mean, you could tell us what you would do to stop the player count diminishing, but I’m guessing you don’t really have a clue what you would do and have nothing to add to the conversation.
At least the majority of this post is 1) relatable. 2) agreeable and 3) he talks about bringing the price back down (which I know caused a fair amount of exodus from Eve) and would benefit literally everyone subbed… :person_shrugging:


I don’t always agree with Dark Shines.

I agree with this post.


Thanks for this post, Shines, it really speaks to a lot of things quite well.

There’s one thing I’d add, too.

CCP, there is one honest-to-Steve dead simple thing you can do to gain yourself immense goodwill, right now. And that is: stop telling people “wait for it”. I realize you probably have your reasons for holding back on announcements, for slow-playing things. Possibly you weren’t ready on development. Possibly you had your fingers burned in the past.

But right now, today, just go ahead and detail some things. You have a playerbase who is so, so, so deeply exhausted by failed promises. Show change, now. You can even hedge, if you need to. If you’re not entirely sure how something will look in its final form, just say so.

But don’t just tell. Show.


I, too, have recently become a little disappointed in the actions of the SSR and interest in playing is a little lost. But the words of Dark Shine gave me a little hope that the developers will listen to him and we will all plunge into the beautiful world of New Eden again.


CCP I’m sure you guys are working hard (on something no one cares about) but read this post maybe it might open your eyes.



I have 4 rorq toons and a bunch of rorqs. I was skilling up a refiner, looking into production, playing 12-16 hours per day and subbing by ISK/PLEX, when CCP went with scarcity. Essentially overnight, those accounts stopped and I have been waiting for a reversal.

I would like to see a capital mining ship in the game. If not the rorq, then we should be transitioned from rorq to the new ships. As Shines mentioned about DBS, rorq pilots were simply punished/banished from the game.

I never had a problem with capital proliferation or super umbrellas - to me, that was Eve endgame at its best. There were hundreds of players poised to log on and drop caps/subcaps at a moment’s notice. Tidi was something that should have been solved by technology improvements rather than removing the players/ships. The biggest alliances were fighting (read: self-regulating). Bombers bar, Spectre Fleet, etc were whaling. There was content to be found. Scarcity killed all that.

If I could log in to capital mine and could PLEX the accounts with ISK, I would have 5 Omega accounts logged in right now. Instead, I’m playing Rimworld.


Couldn’t agree more, quick wins make sense and will hopefully stem the bleeding and gradually bring back the big null sec wars we all miss.

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Thank you Shines!!!

CCP - Stop Trying to be CCCP and start listening to the Player base while u still have one



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