Mikes Year of Eve, 2021

yeah it is not the one CCP made for us, just me talking about the past year.



there’s that sexy face :smiley:

i’ll send you an evemail about EVE Anywhere or EA as I call it

OMG you are bashing the rorq?? you’re gonna get so much hate from nullmonkies for that one.

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The honest ones know that I am right.


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Only from people like you. People who actually understand the problem know that the Rorqual needed to change and they are only unhappy with how it changed and what CCP thinks “meaningful choices and gameplay” are when it comes to the Rorqual.


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It needed to change I agree. Dude I’m a hisec player. Never touched a rorq. Bye

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Happy new year, Emperor Azariah.

I haven’t ever flown a Rorqual (I haven’t trained for it yet), but there’s a lot that’s made me pump the brakes on that goal. I’m pretty okay with my Orca for the moment, and finding other goals with PvP and industry and such. More often than not, EVE does help me deal with the garbage in the real world, or at least get a breather from it.

I agree it would have been better for CCP to 1) use “quadrant” more specifically and 2) let players sing the death of scarcity. As it stands, mining is still fun and profitable for me (actually more so) post-changes. “Forever” might be an optimistic prediction, but I could see 40-50 years. I certainly hope it lasts at least that long.

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The enemy is always the server.


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