An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"

Disagree with this “protest” and have a;most zero issue with this sale. It’s not P2W so I really don’t care.

Continue with you screeching…

Let’s protest by destroying every Retriver in the game and not make another.

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tomorrow they’ll allow ppl pay 5$ to CCP and SRP a HS structure. have fun bashing :slight_smile:

Then we’ll deal with that tomorrow. As that is currently just an exaggeration, it can be ignored.



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if p2w nonsense is what you enjoy im pretty sure there’s a bunch of fantastic mobile games that’ll be right up your ally, you should try candy crush! and raid - i think you’ll find your calling there


It would actually be quite interesting for them to sell ships for RL money but with a twist that involves the game community and mechanics. Instead of creating these ships out of thin air and therefore reducing the point of Industry in the game even more, they should buy up ships from the market and use them for these packs. That way they can provide them for RL money but the game’s economy still benefits from it via taxes, used materials, building time spent, harvesting time spent and so on, and generally actual players being involved in this whole scheme so that the negative sentiments towards selling ingame items for RL money loses a bit of its sour taste.

Otherwise and in its current form I support this letter.




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sigh reading is hard I know…I said if it WAS P2W then I would have an issue…try again sport.

Some may say this is “just one retriever”. “You can only buy it once. It’s not a big deal.” “You’re fearmongering”. No, we’re keeping our eyes open. We are seeing what other companies, other MMOs have done over the years in their games. Yesterday it was a racial destroyer. Today it is a retriever.

If this is not stopped, there will be a tomorrow, don’t kid yourself. It may be a cruiser, it could be a HAC, or a battleship. Whatever it is, there will be a tomorrow after that where it goes further. No matter your tolerance, there will come a point where you’ll look and go “what the (coo-coo clock noise) happened to this game”… that is, if you haven’t already come to that point by now. I know I have.


What were the huge game-breaking impacts of that promotion?

if you’re too stupid to realise the implications to selling ships for RL cash… thinking thats not P2W or one hell of a slippery slope thats gonna lead to the fixing of capitals being the brand new Dread pack for 149.99
then your opinion is invalid its not about reading when you fail to understand even basic associations


Pack sales are safe and effective.
Your anti-pack misinformation is putting CCP and the community at large at risk.

The fact you can’t even articulate what those implications are and feel insults are the way to go instead shows that you probably don’t actually understand the issue yourself and are just enjoying the exercise in groupthink.

Also, I don’t give a F what this “could” lead to, I worry about what actually is happening and this is a nothingburger.

Continue your outrage…


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And when your “line” is crossed, it will be too late to do anything about it. Just because YOU don’t have a problem with it doesn’t make their, our concerns invalid.


I asked you an honest question on a point you raised. You replied with rhetoric.

Honestly, if you reference something in the past as a negative, I’d like to know actually what were the negative things about that.

I’m not here to discuss yesterday, just as you don’t want to discuss tomorrow until it comes.