ever since i started playing this game in Crucible, i felt a liking for the so called “Rookie Ships”. they were rebalanced , updated visually and even had a change in their class title. however, i think there’s still some work to do with them:
1. a new role: the term “Rookie Ship” alluded to these ships being a cheap throw away vessel that you could use to recover from a big loose. in a game where players can get a few millions and cheap frigates just from the tutorial, this isnt the case anymore. no one has to spend hours in a rookie trying to recover their PvP or PvE ship, just buy one from the market while the Corvette is left gathering dust in the hangar.
now that they have a proper title, i think the Corvette class should get a change of role. they would still be in the base of the ship tree, but they would be a multitask kind of ship. their role bonus is already close to it, just need to get a small bonus to logistics and exploration.
2. buff their stats: in order to fulfil this role of “Jack of All Trades, Master of none”, Corvettes need to be put closer in stats to Frigates. CPU, Powergrid, Capacitor and Defenses are the main focus. the rest of their stats are fine for a ship that isnt dedicated to a role, but the other 4 stats in their current version makes them hard to fit even with support skills and dont give them enough survivability.
3. riggin capabilities: Corvettes suffer from needing the same module size as Frigates despite having low stats, this means that even with such a low amount of slots, you have problems to fit the ship properly. Rigs are also a vital part of the game so adding them to Corvettes could serve for another part of the tutorial. maybe add Civilian type rigs for the players to mess around. in change, this would allow Corvettes to betterly adapt to the role people would want to use them.
TL:DR seeing the wasted potential of Corvettes, this thread proposes to buff their stats a bit, adding rigging capabilities and change their role from “single use, then throw away” to something akin to a T1 “Strategic” vessel while still being one tier under Frigates for balancing purposes.