With the current spamming of citadels across New Eden, there has to be a way to check and balance the anchoring of Citadels, to prevent them from clogging up space.
My proposal is to make structures ‘anchored’ to a celestial body and must be anchored within 1 AU of the body that the structure is ‘aligned’ to.
Each citadel type would have to be anchored to a certain type of celestial body. Only one structure per body.
Engineering complexes-
Raitaru- Anchored to a moon or planet
Azbel- Anchored to a planet
Sotiyo- Without sov must be anchored to star, with sov can be anchored to planets
Astrahus-Anchored to a planet or moon
Fortizar- Anchored to a planet
Keepstar- Without sov must be anchored to star, with sov can be anchored to planets
Athanor- Must be anchored to a moon
Tatara- Must be anchored to a moon or planet
Navigation Structures-
Ansiblex Jump gate- Anchored to a planet
Pharolux Cyno beacon- Anchored to a planet
Tenebrex Cyno jammer- Anchored to a planet
Older structures won’t need to be aligned, but any structure afterwords must be aligned.
All in all, I believe this system will reduce the structure spam that is seen in highsec and lowsec, as well as giving a cool narrative.