Not a contract, direct delivery.
Those go through automatically and end up in “your” delivery hangar.
So when the structure is unanchored/popped they come out as “your” ships, which they kill to make your killboard look bad or something (implying people care about killboard stats).
It is not a lot of effort. It is a replaceable, cheap citadel and a few hundred cheap ships. It is also not only about Zkill or any other killboard, it is also about the ingame notification spam.
I wonder how much I would have to pay this guy to bombard Merin’s notifications on a daily basis. If it is only cheap T1 frigs or even only shuttles, it cannot be that much. That could be a nice business opportunity. And I wonder how long it would take for CCP to dish out bans because of that.
Clearly you do not understand citadels or wormholes, first… you have to anchor one… thats a timer and it could get shot and killed… then there’s the scanning and hauling… 5k shuttles still weighs quite a lot… then you have to unanchor, wait a few days… and risk losing a citadel… but yeh sure; a week + of probing, waiting, hauling and defending… no, not much effort at all…
I’m still constantly surprised to see people caring about made up stats on some 3rd party service.
In a game where the saying goes “if it’s a fair fight, you’ve messed up” and people are encouraged to gang up and use any method they can to gain an advantage, why do people think that a killboard matters?
There’s no mmr, there’s no ranking, there’s no end of season rewards.
Just use the killboard to record some fun fights and use them to share great stories about epic fights and ■■■■. “hey check out this kill, let me tell you how I managed to bait this guy from a wormhole” or “hey, remember that huge capital fight? Here’s how I participated in it!”
Don’t use it as if it matters for some kind of prestige. People who put so much value on arbitrary points on a third party website don’t make sense to me.
Does it then make a difference merely where it is? ingame or on a third party site? What a two-page view. Either ranking is good or it isn’t, no matter where it is, because it’s there for everyone.
Just because something’s not ingame doesn’t mean it’s crap.
For a game where you can pad your stats with alts and abusing events like the 100% drop event to farm multiple billion isk kills over and over? Yeah, it’s pretty trash and meaningless.