Announcement - ICC Conference

ICC Conference:

Purpose: . Given the detente between the Federation and the Empire, we seek to discuss Amarr/Gallente capsuleer trade relations, with emphasis on business relationship and economic development across empires with like-minded empyreans!
Date: November 9, YC 126 at 18:00 start time to late.
Where: “Societas Embassy” in Caille.
What: On November 9th, the “main event” will occur with the the ICC Symposium (ICCS), with guest speakers, including Lunarisse Daphiti of Khimi Harar and Nimrat of I-Blu and others!
Please note, November 10th will be a day of “after-events” to connect attendees who may wish to conduct additional business.
RSVP: Not required but helpful! Please mail Lunarisse Aspenstar with RSVP (and if you wish to speak or make a presentation).


As one of the representatives of a Federation corporation led by empyreans, i would like to request clearance to attend the event and listen to the speakers planned on agenda.

Please let me know if any credentials need to be submitted for admittance.

Alain Colcer
Nadire Security Consultants

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Clearance granted. No RSVP’s are needed!

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