Anti-Capital Balance : Warships and Heavy Battleships

Ah, that’s cute. No, this is for you to provide, as this is your idea. I’d like to hear whether you have considered the potential for counterplay, or whether you just decided to throw this idea without thinking about it thoroughly. :slight_smile:

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I will ignore you personal attack and wait for you to reply with something that is on topic.

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Please try to stay in topic. I know you have a tendency to try and derail the topic.

I still believe that you have not yet thought this idea through because the end result remains,“here is an idea, I don’t care to explain the specifics, CCP should do that for me.” I am still waiting for any kind of idea you may have about what you mean by “high ISK efficiency” or even whether these ships will be T1 or T2.

There is a lot of ambiguity here that I believe you are trying to hide behind as a means of keeping your idea safe from criticism since you can just fall back on your safety net of “I will have CCP do the hard work for me” which seems odd for someone claiming to be a game designer with 18 years of experience in EVE Online.

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Exactly, and they are not doing it for me, they are doing it for themselves.

If ccp only takes players opinions about how things should be added to the game, they should stop developing and go work at mc donalds.

Ah, see, but I believe I understand where you are having such a big problem understanding how this all works.

See, CCP does not and will not blindly implement ideas that players just throw out there, like you are doing right now. If you want CCP to listen to you, you will have to demonstrate first, why this is an issue first, and second, why your particular fix is the correct solution

All you have done so far is say “CCP, implement my idea and fine tune it later!,” But you have still not explained WHY your idea is the correct solution. The reason I know you answer (as it stands) is not the right solution is because you have not taking the time to explain how this would impact the rest of the game.

This seems like a very beginner level mistake to make for someone claiming to be a game designer with 18 years of experience, but I guess everyone makes simple mistakes like this now and then. :slight_smile:


Yes, exactly.

See the previous 3 posts for this, though i doubt you read.

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But CCP will not do this. At least not until you are able to answer my simple questions.

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Was my position not clear? players should never fully tell a development team how something should be added to a game. They should provide an idea, and ccp should prototype what s the best fit for the game. this is why there is so many work around’s in the game, because the idea’s come from players, not the development team

Btw. Are you speaking for them now?

Wrong. CCP does not and should not blindly implement poorly thought out ideas like this when you are unable to even answer the most basic of questions that a game developer of 18 years like your claim to be should be able to answer.

I think we’re done here. :slight_smile:

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Its pretty clear, TBH. :smirk_cat:

Too bad your post about turning EvE into a Farmville/WoW clone got deleted. :pouting_cat:

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Yes, you are.

Again, are you speaking for ccp now?

Your stating positions / statements which are ignorant. After years of experience, your still rejecting it, but thats ok that just makes you arrogant on top of ignorant.

If ccp wants to publically address us telling us they will implement the idea’s of players in the entirety let them do so. It will be a great addition for my blog on “why ccp does not know how to design games”.

Oh honey, we were done a long time ago. I just enjoy making you look like an idiot, eventually, you will get you dont know what your talking about.

let me be more clear.

If ccp and its entire design team came here backing you, i’d declare you all idiots, because you are. That is demonstrated by outdated positions, ones that are killing 16 years of work, and even more importantly rejecting industry standards, while claiming all the while “we got it wrong” as eve fades into the oblivion as the failure it is.

That is not a very constructive way to accomplish anything, but good luck with that.

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Ontopic: subcapitals with capital weapons are not a new idea, so you might want to dig this/old forums for a bit to not repeat same old arguments and mistakes.

Maybe if lots of players are saying suicide ganking should go, it should go.
If its an old topic, it just validates a re-occuring issue that your ignoring.
Capitals and capital weapons on sub-caps may be another example of this.

Either way, being old does not invalidate the position, and your left with a big issue, how to deal with a mechanic that has found itself back into eve (ie, the aoe-death button).

dread bombs deal with them just fine.

Bosonic doomsday? Bomber wings? Smartbombs? In all 3 cases - be mobile and keep the range. Or be in the dread bomb and just melt things away from the grid.

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hmm i dont recall ever seeing in eve 100+ super caps dying in a single battle. Seems like they dont “deal with them just fine”.

Im fairly sure the standard tactic these days is “Avoid cap battles”.

They dont have to die in the single battle. Yet, battles of that magnitude did happen - B-R5RB:
  • Totals destroyed:*

· Titans – 75 (74 in system, one on its way to the fight) N3/PL lost 59 titans and CFC/DTF lost 16 titans
· Titan losses by type: Gallente Erebus – 37, Amarr Avatar – 25, Minmatar Ragnarok – 13, Caldari Leviathan - 0
· Supercarriers – 13 (12 in system, one as it tried to escape the system)
· Dreadnaughts – 370 (356 in system, 14 in connected skirmishes as both sides attempted to stop the other from bringing reinforcements)
· Carriers – 123 (109 in system, 14 in connected skirmishes as both sides attempted to stop the other from bringing reinforcements)
· And lots more smaller ships and probably a bajilion drones and fighters

In comparison, the previous record for largest single battle Titan losses was a tie between battles in “O2O” and “Uemon”, with 12 total Titans destroyed in each.

Approximately 775 doomsdays were fired, which is about 24% of all the doomsdays fired in the last two years inclusive. The Battle for HED-GP, which preceeded this one in the Halloween War, had about 200 doomsdays.

The Economic Impact


At the moment players are a bit more cautious about choosing their fights. Lets hope that will change with 64-bit client that should alleviate some client-side limitations EvE currently has.

Still, several supercapitals die almost every day: Home | zKillboard

P.S. Just because something negatively affected you doesn’t mean it has to be removed or changed: Buzzard | Noori Naarian | Killmail | zKillboard


I was in b-r battle,

By the way,
are you seriously citing the exception to the rue as an argument?

not only are you guys slow, your also dishonest.

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