And your alts’ combined forum history proves that you are worse than that.
This thread is redundant. Ideas like this come up quite frequently, and even in an active thread from fairly recently.
He might have been thinking of the T2 version, the HAC, which gets close to the Leshak when its fully cycled up.
Just guessing.
Though we know Leshaks get up in the range he’s talking about with a battelship turret.
No, he was not thinking about T2 trig. You are necroing an really old thread and that ship didn’t exist, nor was it even revealed that its in the works on ccp, when that post was made. Please dont necro old threads, specialy the bad ones made by trolls.
I think that a heavy fast battleship would create emergent gamplay. The HFB would be similar to the Fast Attack Battlecruiser in so much that the HFB would be considerably faster than a normal battle cruiser. faster than a battleship and have 1.50 times the DPS of a TII fit battle ship. The HFB would lose half of its low or mid slots depending on being either armor or shield tanked but would make up for it with a 5% increase in armor or shield resists across the board.
The HFB would also have role bonuses of 200 nm scan res (no drone bandwidth to such the scan res away), tracking bonuses for close range weapons such as blasters and 5% armor or shield resistance across the board + 250% bonus to the ships velocity.
The HFB would be a Tier III ship because it would be to engage BC and BS while also engaging Dreadnought’s as well, not at the same time, but it would be considered a hunter class of ship. Fast, moderately tanked with slightly above BS EHP, high damage output with an align time somewhere between a BC and BS along with a 2.5 AU warp speed.
Well done. Another overpowered ship designed by you. I’ve lost count on these already…
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