Antito Heavy Industries Incorporated: Recruitment Bulletin for New Eve Online Players

Antito Heavy Industries Incorporated is a new Corporation looking to form a sort of Jack-of-all-Trades deal. Looking for members, mostly among new alpha players. Below is the official company description.

Here at Antito Heavy Industries, Inc., we provide a healthy, fun, and effective work environment for all of our employees. As an equal opportunity employer, we do not discriminate based on race, gender or nationality, and encourage employment from all the great Empires of New Eden. With a tax rate of 7%, and a large amount of Employee freedom, any can join with the expectation of profit!

We offer a variety of services for the good people of New Eden, including but not limited to: Mining Contracts, Production, Security, Transportation, Pirate Removal, and Wormhole Exploration. We also accept other contracts and work orders based on request, with customer service guarenteed!

Warning: Antito Heavy Industries, Inc., is not responsible for lost, stolen, and/or destroyed equipment, ships, and/or persons. If a shipment is lost in transit, Antito Heavy Industries will reimburse the buyer up to 65% of the total price of the shipment. If contract is broken by the buyer, Antito Heavy Industries is not obligated to return payment.

Employee Terms of Service: You are expected to follow all rules regarding employment with Antito Heavy Industries Incorporated.

This includes:

  • No Friendly Fire on fellow employees
  • No stealing of goods of any kind from the corporation
  • Follow all directions from the Board of Executives, CCO, and CEO
  • Timely completion of all contracts and work orders

Failure to abide by these terms can result in: pay deduction, demotion, or termination from employment with Antito Heavy Industries.

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