I think this topic needs to be renamed to “Question about cans, and chat about best animal buddies!”
Maybe you need to learn the difference between being generous, and giving people things they don’t deserve. plus, actually important to consider, is what makes you behave that way. there’s a good chance that you are the cause of your social issues, either because you’re “too generous”, or because you’re not yet equipped with the skills for telling who isn’t actually a friend. most people lack that.
hell… being generous is horrible. attracts lots of idiots who will take advantage of you.
Trust me when I say that I learned that the hard way in the Navy, but I manned up before finishing 6 years of contract in there (Took me maybe 2 years since I was working in the N.R.P. Sagres and the team there was actually Pretty Damn Good), still, being in a lower rank still means everybody shoves work at ya, including the so called “friends”, the ones that are sitting idle drinking beer.
I still remember the words of the Sergeant that was taking care of my class when I was still learning on the course like it was yesterday, she was pretty awesome to everyone: “I love how you are, but I am afraid your kind does not fit too well here in the Navy, still I wish the best for you.”
It doesn’t always attract bad people, on my return I decided to do again the Epic Arc and on the last mission I couldn’t break those cruisers with my destroyer and I asked for some help on local. - a guy helped me and we were talking about my return and that I should use other fits when suddenly he was concorded because he shoted something, I simply stayed there talking with him while he went to one of his stations and asked me if I could bring him the loot of his destroyed ship… I took like 5 minutes to deliver it and he was quiet surprised for me not run away with 80mill loot
Yeah I would not be able to just run with loot that someone asks to return, as long as its not in bad standings with me I will tend to be kind to others. Can’t wait for the resource wars to fly in my ships and help other people!
And if i find you, i’ll bump you straight out!
Oi, you’ll be paying the spray paint for my new Marshal if you do that!
I don’t think what you are looking for exists in game … but nice read
i guess then i’ll have to write a convincing suggestion. i need a keyboard!
Not in-space. Everything anchored in space or generally left there will go poof if it hasn’t been interacted with in 30 days.
Alternatively: Yes, it’s called a Citadel.
I thought secure cans would stay if anchored forever. Did they change that?
From what I understood they need to be anchored in order to set up the password, thats it.
Pretty sure they don’t expire. As Signal cartel uses them to seed probe launchers and probes to people.
Isn’t there some kind of new structure coming out with the moon mining? though if…
I’m assuming they won’t be either?
no, too big. cans aren’t probe-able.
thank you all for your input, i will try to find someone from signal cartel, for verification! or, maybe, someone finds his way in here.
A couple of thoughts… more a series of questions than an answer.
Can a Corporate or Personal Hanger Array be anchored without a control tower? though those will disapear soon won’t they?
What about a Small Mobile Siphon Unit, can they be anchored in open space or does there have to be a POS nearby & how long do they last once anchored?
exceptions i’m aware of but might be out of date or changed …
containers anchored on the same grid as a pos never timed out . this may have changed with grid changes …
containers anchored at deep safes . these bookmarks were supposed to be moved in to 14 au from celestials but i’ve found some that weren’t , and apparently the cleaner program doesn’t look that deep into a solar system .
So if you somehow get yourself out to more than 14 AU from the nearest Celestial (use micro jump or micro warp I assume) any object anchored will remain indefinitely due to some over-site of the code, or at least used to at some point in the past… is that what you’re saying?
Both fascinating & a little amusing if so but I’d bet they run some kind of semi-manual clean up occasionally if that is the case?, only for £1 though, I’d not be that confident in that bet