Anyone need any dedicated salvagers for your ratting needs?

Agency → Encounters → Incursions. Current HS incursion is in the constellation of Naloran (Kador region, Amarr space).

Incursion wrecks don’t have generic mission loot, but incursioners generate more than enough wrecks to keep you busy, and all those people mean a lot of drones get left behind (mostly communities require faction or better, so no T1 trash).

Do be aware that incursion sites are dangerous, however. So, be careful. Salvaging cleared sites is best, but some guys will work sites as they’re being run. You can find sites by setting your overview to show beacons, bookmarking them, and then returning to them after they have been cleared, or by using combat probes.

Also, Incursions are a group PvE activity, and definitely something you should look into if that sounds interesting to you. You’ll need to be able to fly a battleship, but can make 125+ mil an hour.