[ARC] Corrupted trinary data compositing

Hello, Ms. Del’thul! Thank you for your interest.

So, let me first state that programming isn’t my strong suit, so I fully expect that one of our experts will be at my door momentarily to say, “That’s not how this works! That’s not how any of this works!”

However, please consider my novice’s explanation.

In the first place, much of the data we’ve witnessed to date from Jovian or Sleeper sources hasn’t appeared to be encrypted. Whether it’s the Observatory logs, Mirror indices, or other data sources, isolation and cloaking technology were assumed to be sufficient to ensure site security, and so recovered data didn’t need decryption work. This helps us immeasurably.

Further, due to our close working relationship with Fleet Coordination Commission administrators, we have access to one of the few Ouria Incident trinary caches in existence, and so have a particularly useful and rare example of trinary data around which to base our work.

What’s more, the data, while described as corrupted, has sufficiently broad uncorrupted segments that even cursory inspection can identify multiple formats that indicate changing data structures or protocols over time. For ship heuristics to be able to determine that in short order, we’re dealing with something with some holes punched in it, not something shredded to confetti.

So, taking this all together, we’re essentially looking to build a large enough body of recovered data that we can reconstruct lost data by employing recovery algorithms developed from known or clean trinary data from like periods, rendering corrupted segments readable. The larger our body of recovered data, the more likely it is our methods will prove effective, and the more likely something useable will result, beyond, winds help me, J1282586924 Jovian Egg Souffle.

Honestly, having written that, it makes it sound a lot simpler than it is. It’s still computationally intense, requires significant aptitude with mathematics and programming, familiarity with trinary data structures specifically, and a hilarious level of care in handling salvage recently recovered from a warzone.

Was that at all helpful?

I’m going to flag one of the experts to correct me on this, now, just in case.