I wasn’t precise in expressing what I meant, I was surely referring to the instance I described and wasn’t generalizing on whole Rogue Drone population. Which is as we know is a vast collection of Hiveminds. Even Triglavians seem to not be able to make up their mind(s) for months whether they should trust drones or extirpate.
By the way, 9 onths ago I posted new CONCORD classification for known Rogue Drone Hives. Here, let me quote myself:
While rogues drones come in all shapes, sizes and even personalities, the signs are that they do not exist in a unified collective. Much like their accidental creators, the rogue drones can be found co-operating locally, and even in relatively large and widespread ‘hive minds’, but they will readily attack and recycle drones from competing hives.
I may again have jumped to some conclusions there in claiming that:
- Navka works with Trigs in Abyss.
- Scylla and Karybdis are Abyssal Rogue Drones which work with Drifters and Sleepers.
- Unshackled Overminds are Abyssal Rogue Drones who work alone.
- Infested Regions are common Rogue Drones we had in NS regions and all around New Eden.
And Unshacked name implies that other ones are shackled .
I still think proposing bold theories and assumptions, disproving them, making new ones, and discussing them, is a better way of getting to the truth, than just waiting for CONCORD or SCOPE announcements.