Its Minmatar, probably one bloke with a hammer and a massive roll of duct tape.
Tired old stereotypes? Really?
Must be the rust.By the time one end is done another rusted away
Do keep in mind that the Second Jove Empire was based in the region of Curse as well as its surrounding regions (all the way up to Detorid). The Triglavians are likely not aware of the Jovian migration to the regions of J7HZ-F and A821-A where they founded the Third Empire, which is why they would be surprised as to why they don’t see any Jove presence in the traditional territories of the Second Jove Empire.
I don’t find it weird at all. I am also looking forward to it, if only we can open communication with them, back and forth. It does us no good if they can speak to us, but have no intention of listening, or vise versa.
I also hope that if they have escape pods or safeguard measures to protect their crew in the event of violent, explosive decompression, that Purosupekuta can say enough to them to convey that we have people belonging to them that we wish to return.
…and less important, that we can keep what we find from whatever can be salvaged from their ships. I want to know what kind of differences we have between compatible vessels and pure Triglavian designs.
On that note, should anyone encounter a wreck that is less than a few hours old, please contact me immediately so we can begin rescue operations.
So, actually. I had a thought. Odds are someone else has thought of this, but:
We know that there are ruins of presumably Jovian origin in outlying regions such as Detorid, which is stricken by dead storms around certain planets, right?
What if Detorid was the site of the Jovian-Triglavian satellite polity?
Very much a random musing, nothing to back it up excepting the strange spatial phenomena, but it still made me go, “hm.”
To be fair, they likely wouldn’t find anything major in the modern Jove regions either - the Directorate is completely defunct, and no Third Empire Jove-ethnics have been seen in years.
They wouldn’t see ANY Jove polities present now in New Eden - the only other active Jove they’d encounter at this time would be the Drifters.
And I think most people, Human and Triglavian alike, feel pretty much the same about the Drifters. Metaphorically speaking, it’s like the crazy old uncle who lives in New Eden’s attic got his hands on a gun.
Though, to extend the metaphor, that makes the Triglavian Collective more like the other, younger uncle who moved away a decade ago, and is completely out-of-touch with the family dynamic when he comes to visit.
More like the frothing maniac who wants to kill you, wear your skin, and eat your brains managed to get out of the asylum and steal a dreadnought.
Without a hammer and duct tape, how are you supposed to train nano assembly devices what to build ?
I wouldn’t agree. As I said earlier, I made a trip to a Drifter Wormhole with a pile of 220 corpses (volunteers) to investigate their interest. And after observing their behavior in presence of said corpses I would conclude they are barely interested in those. So I would refrain from accusing them wearing skin or eating brain. They do not aggress unless aggressed upon. They do defend territory, but it is not obvious they aren’t entitled to.
Fancied some ship design. Third Jove Empire Ships, Phantom class cruiser, Specter class frigate and Mothership itself as documented from Vak’Aitoth battle resemble same organic or insect-cacoon-like designs. Angel Cartel occupied Heaven constellation some 10 years after Jove retreated, and considered to have taken possession of whatever Jove infrastructure remained, thus inherit same design in their shipline Dramiel/Cynabal/Machariel which is quite obvious from first glance. I would also note that Rogue Drones have also possibly taken possession of some Jove designed infrastructure.
Jove Observatories on the other hand in my opinion, not on the first, not on the second, not to this day have nothing in common with Jove designs we know of.
Triglavians strictly defined Drifters as Second Jove Empire. And at first glance its with their ships Jove Observatories have definite commonalities.
I admit though that lack of communication and obscurity of their goals is quite disturbing. Observations suggests their machine like behavior, much like Autothysian Lancers and Circadian Seekers they’re usually accompanied with, only with heavier club and thicker skin.
Obvious extensive implanting in Drifter bodies, in my opinion, hints Sansha. Spikes on their hives hint Sansha. Traces of Sansha presence in Shattered wormholes are quite disturbing also. A battlefield with Nation Carrier wreckage suggests they lost a battle, but it doesn’t mean they didn’t win a war we didn’t witness.
Its rarely mentioned, and I only learned it recently myself that Society of Conscious Thought, seemingly Jove recognized authority, was directly involved in early establishment of Sansha’s Nation a century ago. Helping in development of Slave implant technology of all things.
We are not aware of any of three Jove Empires goals (if any rep still exists), their satellites, nor their SoCT inheritors, nor Sansha Kuvakei, nor other possible stakeholders. CONCORD, Sisters, they all keep their secrets. That is kind of depressing, especially in light of possible invasion.
Drifters are unable to use their overshield discharge weapon in Abyss. What possible weapon systems or other technology Triglavians themselves couldn’t use there and may be able to use here?
The problem is the vast gulf of time involved; around 15,000 years since the collapse of the Eve Gate, if we have our figures straight. More than 1,000 since the end of the Second Empire, and even a few hundred years is enough to see radical changes in societies. There is so little little left, plundered by anyone with the means to.
Detorid is an odd place, it may have secrets we have yet to uncover.
Most of New Eden has secrets yet to be uncovered, if we’re being honest with ourselves. To me, the continued decloaking of Sleeper Caches, alone, is enough to evidence this.
If the Triglavians invade, we shall solve a great mystery:
What kind of trousers they wear with those bioadaptive coats.
There is this place in highsec which CONCORD DED marked Chemical Yard, its Rogue Drone infested debree field, some station ruins. Chasing drones to their Hive in the making brings you to a spot where they are reinforced by Sansha Squad.
Sansha clearly are cooperating with, if not controlling the Rogue Drones.
That’s one everloving ■■■■ of a logical leap.
The rogue drones are best described as great stellar insects; some examples of groups of them being suborned have cropped up in the past, but multiple groups have done so. The Navka Swarms in the Abyss assuredly aren’t under Sansha’s control, same goes for most other groups. You may find some examples of suborning, but to say that Sansha has a blanket control over them is a demonstrably false claim.
I wasn’t precise in expressing what I meant, I was surely referring to the instance I described and wasn’t generalizing on whole Rogue Drone population. Which is as we know is a vast collection of Hiveminds. Even Triglavians seem to not be able to make up their mind(s) for months whether they should trust drones or extirpate.
By the way, 9 onths ago I posted new CONCORD classification for known Rogue Drone Hives. Here, let me quote myself:
While rogues drones come in all shapes, sizes and even personalities, the signs are that they do not exist in a unified collective. Much like their accidental creators, the rogue drones can be found co-operating locally, and even in relatively large and widespread ‘hive minds’, but they will readily attack and recycle drones from competing hives.
I may again have jumped to some conclusions there in claiming that:
- Navka works with Trigs in Abyss.
- Scylla and Karybdis are Abyssal Rogue Drones which work with Drifters and Sleepers.
- Unshackled Overminds are Abyssal Rogue Drones who work alone.
- Infested Regions are common Rogue Drones we had in NS regions and all around New Eden.
And Unshacked name implies that other ones are shackled .
I still think proposing bold theories and assumptions, disproving them, making new ones, and discussing them, is a better way of getting to the truth, than just waiting for CONCORD or SCOPE announcements.
All good to know… but your assertion about the Sansha and Drones is still a bit of a leap.
Sometimes I forget to put "What if"s ))