The Triglavians seem, ‘open to cooperation’ is probably the best way to put it. Provided we meet with the terms of their proving. Reverse-time just means from past experience or knowledge. The archive pattern analysis shows them referring to old data, and that the way capsuleers appear to come from various factions and alliances conforms to expected patterns of the development of civilizations. When these capitals are built, and more than one has been found, we don’t know, maybe to take the fight to the Drifters with capsuleer help?
Ah I see, that does make a lot of sense actually. I am to assume the “Trials” are the incursions into their space and making it back out alive, or have these Trials not been openly shared with us at this time? I do apologize for all the questions but the curiosity has me rather excited about this new entity that has entered the ring that we call New Eden.
I hope Concord comes out with the truth in time and explains their own findings to us. Granted I wonder if Concord fears the fact that the Triglavian’s are so willing to co-operate with capsuleers to the point we may have an unsanctioned Capital ship in our hands.
I say Unsanctioned because up till now, all other Capitals have been ran through Concord in one form or another. Pirate Capital hulls are simply Empire Hulls with modifications, and Empire Hulls are given the ok from Concord as a whole, so long as they obey the laws and rulings set forth. Triglavian’s are not bound by Concord legislation so they are not limited on what form their Capital will take.
Most curious indeed.
CONCORD has shown itself to be very secretive about such matters. They claim to have more knowledge than the rest of the cluster, but refuse to explain things. Proving can take a lot of forms, the shipyards are only visible in the deepest parts of the Abyss so that may be one form, or the Proving Grounds conduits that sometimes appear.
Time will tell at this point, all we can do for the moment is wait for more information if I am not mistaken. Assuming that Concord is never going to release their findings on the first venture into the Abyss Space, it makes me wonder what else are they keeping from us. For now I will wait for further information from the Scope and wait to see what happens in the future. I wonder if this ship will be ready mid to late end of the year?
Some thoughts:
Rogue Drones seem too be better a controlling Vila, thus they are better Navka than Triglavian Navka.
Sansha is better at “controlling” (enslaving) Narodnya, than Triglavian Narodnya.
It might be decisive who, Drifters or us Capsuleers will replace Koschoi if it’ll happen to matter.
I feel it will be Capsuleers since we are the ones that fit the multiple allegiances and singleton format. Drifters are roughly like a hive mind themselves, in that while they have individual beings, they all work for the goal of their whole collective. They simply take Capsuleer bodies because those are the more advanced biological forms in New Eden right now.
Additionally it would be nice to have a means of fighting the Drifters with something capable to standing up to the DD weapons they have upon their own ships. Instead of needing to fit a Marauder to it’s literal gills of tanking equipment and measures.
That’s a fun interpretation. The Triglavian Ancient Enemy’s climactic forward zot sprayer is not CONCORD-approved for a battleship, so why should the Triglavians be limited? After all, it wouldn’t be much of a War In Heaven if the demonseraphs were subject to CONCORD rules, now, would it? It would just be a war.
You do know that there are fleet doctrines capable of going into Drifter hives, killing everything that moves, and coming out again without a ship loss, and they don’t use Marauders, right?
I was referencing solo actions honestly.
I’d have to push at some numbers, but there’s an outside chance it can be done with a properly mutated HAC.
Yeah. Might be possible with the right mutaplasmids on a Deimos. But only for solo Drifters. Otherwise, do it the smart way and use supercapitals.
A request and a bounty, pilots.
If anyone is able to provide usable footage and reference material for the singularities currently being formed on the leading edge of the vessel or structure under construction, it would be greatly appreciated. Scaling bounties for this sort of thing depend on quality of the footage or stills, and the usability of said material for rebroadcast. This means suppressing your neocom, slow, steady shots that focus cleanly on the focal point, and so on.
Additionally, given the potentially protracted nature of these events, I’ve taken the liberty of adding an index to key posts in the initial posting, along with a tracker for current bounties and rates.
I’ve shied away from adding discussion/debate reference points, but could add additional reference links if pilots would find those useful…?
Can be done, there are 8 ships that can solo a Drifter i.e. tank the doomsday. The fits are not cheap and you need to be very well skilled. Even then it can go wrong.
I’m not looking at tanking the DD. I’m looking at using the same strategy used to let Guardians survive it: beat the tracking.
Evidently some madman managed it in a Daredevil some while back? Alizabeth would know the details on that.
Those fighter bays look large enough to house hundreds of Vila drones.
If the triglavians mount an expedition into known space it makes sense they’d want a well armed yet mobile base and this looks like it to me.
i know we are all about this thinking these are ships but idk im starting to think that these are basically offensive weapon platforms, like a mix between dread and F.O.B. thats just based on the general looks nothing concrete.
It has all the characteristics of a ship of triglavian design-drone/fighter bays,weapon mount, singularity cradle with a forming singularity now,engines,radiation exhaust vents similar to what the leshak and drekavac have its just of preposterous size by comparison
I believe what we’re seeing in the construction area is only part of the overall construct. I received this via EVE Mail from the Veles Clade:
Apologies for the delay, pilots, but indeed two Cladeflow intercepts have been received.
As Mr. Coltare indicates, one is from the Veles Clade; the other, Svarog.
Both appear to show similar structures, which appear to have a strong linear alignment; current theories are new classes of pylons, stargate or wormhole generators, or other such systems.