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//evocation of ancient-time noemata of Kostorg conduit flow and confluence//
We know the Triglavians use the term conduit for their gate network, and probably gates in general. A confluence flow to me seems to indicate some kind of control hub, the only one we know of is Caroline’s Star ,so it could well be pointing to that, and Kostorg is their name for it. I wouldn’t be surprised to find other places referenced by the Triglavians using some old terminology.
Well, given we have an idea of their content when using evocation, ancient-time, and conduit flows/confluence, it sounds like they’re looking to start up something of theirs that’s really old?
So what would “noemata” be? Only other time we’ve seen '-mata" is in regards to ‘automata’. Or am I just thinking too much into things.
A policy could be evoked. Invoked may be a more natural word, but occult and mystic do appear in Triglavian equipment. Perhaps they view technology as a spiritual force. “Invocation of old policy of Kostorg conduit flow” is technically incomplete, yes? Invocation of policy (is/is not) advised, requested, commenced and so on.
On the whole the communications so far suggest to me that the Triglavians are not in full control of their own systems and are not very confident about how they are going to get control back.
Actually there’s atleast one more either in Curse or near it ,the Directorate Jovians were sure this is how 2nd empire jove made it to Anoikis since there was no evidence that they traveled from Curse all the way to what we call Caroline’s star
Dread, we can only guess these things - I’d certainly like to know actual Directorate intelligence on the events leading to the Sleeper exodus to Anoikis at the end of the Second Empire era, but we obviously don’t have the means to access that sort of knowledge at this time.
((Some of your info appears to be taken from Inheritance, the contents of which aren’t known at all IC))
I’m of the mind that this whole thing will revolve around Kostorg. Most of the message is pretty clear- the Triglavians are rather disconcerted to find that the Second Empire is completely gone, since they last checked in on it at the “” stage, presumably before its collapse really took hold.
It’s that final sentence that’s stumbling us, because Noema can be so situational, thus we need context to get a proper sense of what it means here. Kostorg is a capitalized noun- it’s a term of importance, and the subject of the sentence. If we figure out what Kostorg means, the rest should fall into place.
Approaching it from the other end, though, we can summarize the rest of the sentence: Noemata can translate as “thoughts”, “beliefs”, “judgements”, just about anything of the sort, even “policies”. So, we have Noemata from the distant past being evoked in the present, and disregarding whatever a “Kostorg conduit” is, we knows it’s something that flows, and “confluence” is the act of streams or flows converging. Our Noemata has something to do with the converging flow of “Kostorg conduits”… but that brings us right back to square one, the subject of our missing context: What even is a Kostorg?
a little bit of combing through some ancient language databases, which has shed a little light on these things in past, hasn’t turned up anything exact, but a couple near-hits that I found are.
“kostorog” a type of grey fish from some ass end of no-where planet. unlikely, maybe some vague connection with “the flow” but that is stretching things a LOT to make it fit.
“Korstog” an old matari word, roughly translated as “crusade” plausible but unlikely, given that they seem to have at least some loose cultural connection to matari, although in context it really doesn’t fit.
“Kost og” more old matari, loosely translated as “diet of” but again that really doesn’t work in context.
of the 3 options I think “crusade” is the most plausible, but only barely. likely none of the above are correct, just sharing what I was able to find since linguistic connections has helped make sense of things in the past.
Regarding “Kostorog”, my thoughts exactly. It leads to a somewhat logical assumption, but the chain of references leading to that assumption are just too loose and oblique for my taste.
I think “Korstog” is our best bet here, but it still doesn’t really fit the sentence.
languages do change and morph over time, and while there may be a shared linguistic root, the final meaning could have diverged quite substantially in the however long its been
I agree that it is a considerable stretch, and tenuous at best, but if we extrapolate “invasion” from crusade, then an “invasion conduit” might make some sense.
although, going back and reading things over again, i’m starting to wonder if maybe we should first figure out exactly what they mean by “conduit” since they seem to be using it in more of a metaphorical sense than a physical one. (if that has already been figured out, then I simply must have missed it)
They don’t view it as magical or mystical. These are cultural idioms. The Triglavians have spent a long time in isolation, without needing to modify their language to accommodate other races. It happens a lot with backwater planets and there are a lot of historical examples. I get the impression they don’t use spoken words that often, I suspect most of their communication is at some kind of infomorphic level. So they communicate in concepts and ideas, which convey the context. Working that way language has no real reason to evolve.