And you would be correct. Because my hypothesis is based on term (tem)porevitium, as it seemed most probable to me - although I admit I also briefly worked with the term (cor)porevitium, which would (loosely) mean “Mass Flaw”.
But if I am not mistaken, word corpore is used mainly with relation to organic mass, so it didn’t seem appropriate to connect it with stars…
It would need someone much wiser than me, and studied in different area of expertise, to properly explain that there is no “space” or “time”, but only “space-time” as unseparable physical value. So “Time Flaw” could just as be “Space-Time Flaw”. And what is the first thing you imagine when you hear “Space-Time Flaw”? Well, it’s wormhole for me.
I mean, we all heard the rumors, or rather conspiracy theories, that this specific isotope is somehow related (responsible even) for the massive wormhole appearances in recent years, right?
So I thought porevitium might be commonly used (or technical, on the other hand) term for “material that can manipulate/is somehow related to ‘Space-Time Flaws’=Wormholes”.
Because of “space-time,” it works out that both the “pore” (an opening) and “tem(poral)” can be used to point to a material associated with wormholes - which is a neat little quirk.
Translations are underway, but ‘WORLD ARK CLASSIFICATION: XORDAZH’ is the very beginning of it. So, we now know what they’re classing this as, and possibly the class’s name.
The jovians couldnt build new motherships yet the Collective builds theirs in no time at all.There can be no doubt The Triglavian Collective is militarily and logisticaly superior to what the Jovian Directorate was.
I wouldnt be surprised if they had other schematics up their sleeve for stations,satelites,planetary bases,solar harvesters etc