Firstly, you think I’m human! That’s an advancement Secondly,I am first and foremost a scientist. I do things for my own reasons, but should they align with others then I am happy to co-operate and collaborate where possible.
Hmmm, would have to ask my bosses. But I’d be willing to offer my expertise on the subject of clone troopers being sent into dangerous operations.
The answer to this question, as with many questions, is SLAVES.
They are cheap, they are plentiful, and once you stuff them full of Vitoc, they do what you tell them to do, or else they die — horribly.
No need to worry about losses among the “contractors”, for there will be hundreds of thousands more on the teeming flesh markets of Khanid Transport stations where those came from. No need to worry about “misleading” the contractors, for they will have no choice in the matter anyway. And should they die in their duty, God will be glorified in their destruction.
That none of the so-called Amarr Loyalists involved in ARC have suggested this obvious option proves once again how wayward and liberal they have become.
Ahem. I’m not sure if I’m still counted as an ‘Amarr Loyalist’, but nevertheless; if ‘wayward and liberal’ means not subjecting living things to unnecessary harm, then I am happy to be called so. Sanctity of life is a tenet of both medical and anthropological sciences, and as a student of both I am happy to take the less destructive approach that is being suggested.
From an engineering standpoint, this is quite some feat. Retaining structural integrity before and during any breaches, safe retrieval and storage of items in transit, as well as engineering drones capable of precise work in potentially limited and unstable environments? Fascinating challenges.
First I would make a warning too.
Poking thought drifter activities could lead to disastrous ends. The empress Jamyl did it and was shot dead.
I’m indeed worried that this kind of operation would change an actual “neutral” state to a real war state.
Second I’m a little worried about the “pre-collapse Sleeper activities in the Hive and replicating any possible research.” part.
Given the number of death and destruction inflicted by capsuleers by already available ways, I’m afraid that given the potential of destruction of sleeper/drifter tech, CONCORD would not allow it …
And yes, we still need CONCORD’s approval. Do I need to remind you that CONCORD is the only entity that can KILL US ?
We tend to forget that all capsuleers depends on the SCC, neurals fluids routers and medical bays to be “resurrected” ? All those means are in some way controlled by CONCORD.
I feel also that it’s important to have “second view”. For me it’s important that true scientific behaviour is conducted. Fact check, reproducibility, transparency, ethic and counter check are of the most importance.
If ARC is truly about scientific research and transparency, you will compose a panel of “neutral scientist” to work with you.
That said I still would very much like to work on this project. As a scientist I’m interested in all domains touched by this research program.
Biology, Archaeology, Neural development, Computer Science, etc. All of this highly interest me. The proposed challenges are incredible to work on.
Interesting project. Let me know if you need my help for the project. I will be ready whether it’s perparing the boarding party with cybernetics, Assisting the boarding mission itself, or helping with analysing the material from the Enclaves.
That’s the sweet thing about J-space. It’s out of their greedy hands.
As if this threshold haven’t been passed already. The Empires have already boarded Sleeper constructs and the Drifters have already invaded our space and killed innocents, as well as directly declaring war against the Amarr Empire.
Ms. Kim, again, respectfully, the Drifter situation’s far from solved. There are a pile of unknowns, and some of those unknowns are extraordinarily large-scale, high-energy processes present and active in every Hive with remarkable and actually very frightening symmetry.
We do not know what they are doing. We do not know why. They don’t explain. They don’t talk to us at all, and we know they can.
If we’re fortunate, you’re correct, and in the end the Drifters are not a significant ongoing threat, or else have been focusing their attention on a more significant danger to them, such as the Triglavians. If we’re unfortunate, their reason for not waging war in a usual way is that they’re working on waging it in an unusual way, and if we don’t figure out what that way is and how to stop it we’re all going to have a very bad day at some point.
This must be seen to.
You and Ms. Priano don’t get along, but that doesn’t mean she has no part to play in these events.
You have your sphere; she has hers. The importance of one doesn’t deny the other.
Ms. Jenneth, was it you or Ms. Kernher that advised me to ignore her?
Edit: and now that I’m out of my afternoon meetings, I’ll get caught up on this thread.
@Avio_Yaken That right there? That’s how Capsuleers go Drifter. You might wanna expand your list of ‘inhuman bastards who need to die’.
Actually, I’m pretty sure what Miz said was more along the lines of calling you liars.
Yeah, gotta love that line of justification, too. ‘The law can’t stop us from busting into someone’s house and raping them in their sleep, so it’s ok!’
While I get the scientific motivation for wanting to get reconstructions of these things for study, there’s a massive gap in morality between ‘we send expeditions in to study their behavior and when necessary, defend ourselves from their combat vessels’ and ‘we’re going to bust into these structures that we believe house unknown numbers of infomorphs[1], intentionally damage them in ways we don’t understand so we can run off with their parts, and who gives a crap what effect that has on those infomorphs or what retaliatory action they take?[2]’
‘Scientific inquiry’ and ‘we have to know what their up to’ have been the thinnest of pretexts for ‘I wanna be nosy and steal your crap’ throughout human history. Worse, it’s ham-fisted and clumsy, and poor scientific practice. You want to know what they’re doing, you observe. You want to observe what’s going on in the enclaves, find a way to get electronic access without damaging anything. Honestly, would you study how an animal lives by blowing up its den and trying to reconstruct it in a lab? Or would you tag the damned thing and try to get it to take your instruments into the intact den?
Really, you should’ve ended this plan at ‘Verify effective transfer of clone soldier incremental mindstate data through Sleeper infrastructure, without interference either from Sleeper hull construction or active infrastructure or defense systems’, because that, at least, gives you an avenue for study. Prematurely planning to ‘salvage’ these things, with ‘non-destructive’ methods being an improvement to be made after ‘months if not years’… good gravy, that’s just downright monstrous.
It’s been a number of people, over the years. But you know, blind squirrel, nuts… insane blind squirrels just get to find nuttier nuts!
I mean, there’s a reason we call them ‘sleeper enclaves’, not ‘industrialist facilities’. Everything we’ve learned about these structures from the outside has pointed us toward the belief that however they operate, they’re housing dormant entities. So far, we’ve done nothing with regard to them but attack without provocation and pillage and plunder their belongings.
Because, you know, if you busted into Huggar station and endangered the lives of everyone there so you could steal the atmospheric control system in the name of Science!™, I’m pretty sure you’d have an armed response. And if people died because of it… I’m pretty sure you’d have an armed response after you for the rest of your lives.
I’ve had progress on a certain topic you mentioned:
Please contact me if you are interested in discussing it.
I mean…No arguement here?
Remember, pilots. Don’t feed the trolls.
Pardon me, but is this coming from a member of one of the largest and must brutal Capsuleer null sec groups?
Just checking.
Yeah, gotta love that line of justification, too. ‘The law can’t stop us from busting into someone’s house and raping them in their sleep, so it’s ok!’
Except we are boarding the facilities of someone who are sending warships into our space. Highly offensive warships. And without even attempting to communicate. So I fail to see the connection, unless killing civillians is your practice when you siege a citadel, and then bribe CONCORD to become the “rightful” owner of that space. As for us. The intention is to learn about our enemies so we can stop their invasions.
Cool. Just wanted to point that one out.
Actually, I’m pretty sure what Miz said was more along the lines of calling you liars.
Interesting that you mention names. I was making sweeping generalisations, and suddenly there you are naming names.
Really makes you
Excuse me but is this a Sansha loyalist POS lecturing others on their ill-advised company?
I am not trying to stand on any moral high ground here. I’m just wondering how Arrendis can pretend to.
Except we are boarding the facilities of someone who are sending warships into our space.
You mean the facilities of someone who’s already retaliating for prior home invasions? You don’t see how this just ratchets it right up?
The intention is to learn about our enemies so we can stop their invasions.
Well, you could start with “stop invading their space” and see what happens. Call me crazy, but before we invaded and began despoiling Anoikis, how many Drifter sightings were there? I don’t need to full total, just an annual average. Oh, wait, it’s the same number: 0.
Really makes you
Yes, it really does. It makes me think one of us is willing to say ‘this person did X’, and the other wants to implicate and call into question the validity of responses from a whole nation of people because they didn’t like that one person called someone out on a lie. ZOMG, I’m so terrible, I dared to not insult all Amarr when I called you an idiot.
Remember, pilots. Don’t feed the trolls.
Remember, pilots, when you don’t actually have a legitimate response, attempt to de-legitimize your critics and call them dismissive names. Has that approach been terribly effective, Makoto?
Pardon me, but is this coming from a member of one of the largest and must brutal Capsuleer null sec groups?
A) The largest. Not ‘one of’. If you’re going to attempt to throw shade, get it right.
B) Yep. Or have you missed the bit where I consistently acknowledge I’m an enabler of monsters, Toaster?