[ARC] Triglavian Transmuter, effects on system & new eden

Regarding the supernova risk, it’s precisely because the beam reach the core of the star to do it’s work that I included this risk category.

I do not take pleasure in throwing such warnings.

For the WH connection question:
I did not said that we would lose ALL connection to these systems through WH, just that they (if my theory is correct mind you) will become rarer depending on how much the MER of the system change.

And for having spend many years studying the WH formation in Anoikis, even if it’s not yet fully understood, it’s far less mysterious than it was at the start. I would like to remind you that all WH connection you spoke off appeared after the Caroline’s stars events.
(except the drifter ones that are mechanically generated, like our stargates)
Which correspond to a release of large amount of energy, effectively raising the MER of the cluster, in the MER theory, thus allowing new type of connection.

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