Maybe I can help a little here:
From the data gathered, there is multiple theory on what is happening but one constant is sure: the “classic” specter of energy frequency has dropped around 80%.
So whatever the transmuter is doing, the ecosystem as they currently exists will see a radical change in the next few millennia.
But, so far, the laws of physics are not broken.
regarding the “how the stars has been altered”, you can read this article, and if there is any data, remarks or ideas you want to discuss, you are more than welcome to do so.
Something worth noting is that the data given by Aura when interacting with the planets has not drastically changed. While a drop of 80% luminosity would impact even the average T° within months.
Which mean only two possibility, both raising a lot of questions:
- either Aura is not up to date, but with the automation surrounding her, it can only mean that someone is upholding info on purpose
- Aura IS up to date, and that mean the radiations level emitted by the sun and absorbed by the planet have not changed enough for it being visible.
If it’s the second, that could mean a long term risk for increased cancers. That would actually explain the “bio adaptation” offered to those still there…