[ARC] Yulai Triglav Conference

Respected Pilots and Researchers
Dear Attendees

Below you find the final schedule for tomorrow’s Yulai Triglav Conference in the Yulai system, close to planet VIII. We have three tracks. They start with one hour delay each:

  1. Track 2000-2100 EVE time
  2. Track 2100-2200 EVE time
  3. Track 2200-2300 EVE time

Lasairiona Raske will be the venue’s host and lead moderator. She will oversee the conference channels and the time schedule. Our support staff will be around to help you with any questions you might have.


1900 - 2000 Conference Venue and Exhibition open
1955 - 2000 Welcome note and official opening (Haria Haritimado)

TRACK 1: Military strategies and coalitions against the Triglavian menace
2000 - 2020 Triglavian Invasion: mutual assured ascending (DutchGunner)
2020 - 2040 (Re)New(ed) Eden: why Poshlost when you can Sobornost? (Morgana Tsukiyo)
2040 - 2100 Open floor for discussion

TRACK 2: The Convocation of Triglav as an emerging new faction - lore and politics panel
2100 - 2115 What we know about the Triglavian Collective (Uriel P. Anteovnuecci)
2115 - 2130 The impact of Mutaplasmic integration with the human body (Thuri Actusmargo)
2130 - 2145 The manifold objectives of the Triglavian invasions (Uriel P. Anteovnuecci)
2145 - 2200 Open floor for discussion

TRACK 3: Suns and Stellar Manipulation
2200 - 2220 Sun topology and multiple worlds (Haria Haritimado)
2220 - 2040 An Alarmist Abyssal Hypothesis (AAAH!) (Aria Jenneth)
2240 - 2300 Open floor for discussion

2300 - 2305 Conference closing and open end

All times are given in EVE time. Information on the holographic router channels, docking, and security will follow soon in this thread.

We are looking forward to welcome you on Sunday!

Lasairiona Raske & Haria Haritimado