[ARC] Triglavian Primer

Fellow Pilots

Over the last months the Arataka Research Consortium has shifted their focus heavily on the ever escalating and troubling Triglavian presence in New Eden. While regular fleets run by ARC were more hands-on and practical, several researcher and explorers are working at the scientific side of things as well.

As a working result we introduce the Triglavian Primer as a series of publications on Triglavian research topics. The first two issues are dealing with the two matters mentioned above: fleet tactics against Triglavian invasions and an overview of present major research topics.

The Triglavian Primer: Exposition of Missing Knowledge is meant to be an introduction to the current Triglavian related events with focus on what scientific challenges we face, what we know, and what we do not know. It tries to systematize knowledge we have - and lack ā€“ and is meant to inspire further research by others.

The Triglavian Primer: Empire Proving Grounds gives some insight into ARC fleet composition and tactics as well as some analysis gleaned from numerous battles on conduit and World Ark sites.

Edit: The Triglavian Primer: Yulai Triglav Conference is the third issue, providing the proceedings for the conference of the same name in December YC 121.

Edit: The Triglavian Primer: Triglavian Foothold Systems is the fourth issue, dealing with the pattern and preferences of invasion footholds across New Eden.

We are honored by the dedicated work of the first contributing authors, namely DutchGunner, Aria Jenneth, and Ilm Gaterau, who made the first issues possible. I also want to thank those who supported the effort in other ways ā€“ or are already working on the next topics.

The Triglavian Primer aims at informing those who are new to the topic but also to inspire others to join Triglavian research efforts or share already existing knowledge. For example, ARC has decided to shift the attention especially to the sun manipulations by Triglavian hands and the Stellar Accelerator in particular. This seems to be one of the most pressing issues at hand.

Please get in touch or share your thoughts if you like.


Haria Haritimado


One of the most detailed and thorough analysis of any faction Iā€™ve seen. This will be invaluable to pve theory crafters everywhere. Well done for the effort!


Thank you, pilot Sepakner. What really is striking is the fact that the Triglavians are much more inclined to communicate than, for example, the Drifters. They do it intentionally but also expose much more of their civilization and society through purposeful activities. Even though the Triglavian Primer above does try to give a broad overview I have the impression that we might have missed fundamental aspects. For example, Triglavian activities (or at least interests) in pirate or alliance controlled null security space, if there is any, is a blind spot. Also, we hear few things from those regions about how they see and deal with the Triglavian appearance. I would like to see a broader discussion emerge on this.


Haria Haritimado


A fascinating read.

I must agree with your assessment. So far they have proven to be much more purposeful than the Drifters, though that is likely because their goals are different. I will be interested in seeing their ultimate purpose given their stated message.

As for null security space, my own alliance Triumvirate has encountered Triglavians in small numbers, though most prominently during the mass assault several months ago. This type of tactic, a reconnaissance in force, as it is known, is a common tactic of testing defences amongst the military minded. Since then their presence has been far reduced. I suspect they are focusing their strength now that their initial test phase is complete.

What I do know, is that an enemy displaying the tactics they display and broadcasting the message they are broadcasting, is not to be ignored. Those who preach pacifism will find themselves to be prey for the wolves.


Director Sahriah

Thank you for your interest and reply. Your observations make me wonder if the Convocation of Triglav is considering the ā€˜Ancient Domainsā€™ as the core empires of the New Eden cluster and not - as it is commonly heard - as the totality of the so called Known Space (the latter assumption appeals because of the radical differences between known space and abyssal deadspace). It might be a rather subtle hypothesis, but isnā€™t that a further hint on where the Triglavianā€™s ancient domains are located and that we have a common history that is more focused on ā€œnow-timeā€ empire space than we thought? We have not heard from invasions in Jove space, but this, of course, does not mean much at all.

Following the thoughts that Ms. Jenneth offered on the concept of proving, I donā€™t see an obvious reason why the Triglavians should exclude the vast expanses of the outer territories from this endeavour. Surely they would not consider the capsuleer alliances unworthy adversaries.


Haria Haritimado

Fellow Capsuleers

The third issue of the Triglavian Primer makes the proceedings of the recent Yulai Triglav Conference on the Triglavian challenge publicly available.


Haria Haritimado


Fellow Capsuleers

We are currently preparing future releases of the Triglavian Primer tied to two projects. We could need help with some exploration and scouting in this process.

Firstly, we would like to invite capsuleers from the Amarr territory to gather specific information on Triglavian invasions in Amarr space. This is a short-term mission.

Secondly, we are looking for partners with experience in abyssal deadspace exploration. This project is scheduled for the upcoming months.

You are very welcome if you are interested in supporting our endeavours. Please send me an EVE mail if you want to get involved in some way.

Haria Haritimado

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Fellow Capsuleers

I am glad to announce the release of the fourth issue of the Triglavian Primer, dealing with the patterns and preferences of foothold systems in Triglavian invasions:

The Triglavian Primer: Triglavian Foothold Systems - Patterns and Preferences

We look deep into the data Ilm Gaterau first started to gather months ago and whom ARC supports with analysis and by continuing his data collection until today.

The latest Triglavian Primer tries to offer a prediction model for the targeting of certain solar systems as footholds. A high risk group of solar systems is derived from the analysis. Also, the issue gives a deep insight into the classification and nature of our beloved stars which guide us on our daily quests - however small or epic they might be.

The results will be instructive for our future plans on how to deal with the dire situation we face. This extends to CONCORD and we urge officials across the cluster to further strengthen and reinforce system defenses in those solar systems from the risk group.

Hopefully, we see you all with us in future research endeavours. My sincere thanks go to our allies and supporters who made this research effort possible.


Haria Haritimado


I want to formally thank the dedicated and hardworking team at Arataka Research Consortium on the excellent work they have done to describe, decrypt, compose, and compile all of this research. A truly groundbreaking effort which rivals that of Project Compass and Arekā€™Jaalan. I myself have been following this work with much anticipation and have found it a wonderful source of technical and strategic insight into the growing conflict with the Triglavian Collective. Brilliant work all around and Iā€™d like to buy yā€™all a bottle of something fancy.


So, when will hard copies be available?

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Thank you, Saede.

I appreciate these kind words of recognition. I have one or another pilot in mind who would probably take care of any bottle trading. Feel free to step by, should you pass k-space.

Tyrel Toov

This is an amusing thought. But I like the sentiment for sure. Some things should be pulled into the physical world. It would probably add to their impact, at least to the mass. Be sure you will learn about it here, should we ever see something like that.


Haria Haritimado

Iā€™m very concerned that Frarn is on the list of endangered systems.
I donā€™t want my family to endure an other Invasion.

The research done by ARK is excellent

However the article got leaked to some news sources and the sketchy headlines spread like wildfire in Frarn. There are major parts of the population on multiple planets that are panicing, stashing resources and preparing for an invasion now. I hope the officials and chiefs can calm down the situation. 70 people didnā€™t show up to work on our small POS this week, because they ā€œfelt saver on the planetary surfaceā€.
After the invasion that hit Rens recently, they are now very afraid that Frarn will become the next targetā€¦


The solution is clear. We must dye the stars in the Minmatar Republic blue.

Respected Komi Valentine

Troubled by your report I took the liberty to visit the system of Frarn and show some presence around orbital installations. Sadly, I missed you and your corpmates in space but found everything in order. I decided to stay for a short while aboard of the local structures and I will be available for interviews if any of the local representatives are interested.


Haria Haritimado



All I can say is what a fanastic job you have done with recent primer!

I had to disappear for a a little time and much to my regret, but I am greatful data has been of some use


Outstanding research, to be commended on all fronts.

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Thanks to everyone for their work on this. It shows.

I feel like Iā€™ve missed so much that itā€™s almost pointless to get started. Still, if you have put this much effort into learning, I should at least attempt to absorb some of what is known.


Thank you for your kind words, Mrs. Nuona. And donā€™t get discouraged. There are only a few individuals who would even dare to claim they cover all the knowledge that unfolds before us. Just jump right into it. With all the chaos and all the daily revalations youā€™ll be an expert yourself soon enough.


Haria Haritimado


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