[ARC] Joined operation request to the Empires, EDENCOM and loyal capsuleers

Miss Jackal,

It would seem that I need to repeat an earlier reply and expand upon it.

  • ARC has done a lof of research on the Triglavians and published multiple publicly available reports on this. One of these reports included the importance of blue stars and a list of systems that were very likely to get targeted. This was far before the Triglavians began their efforts to conquer systems and the ‘creation’ of the Pochven region.

    When Pochven was created, ARC was active for months in Pochven to deal with the threat of Roque Drones, Sleepers and Drifters. ARC made another publicly available report on how to deal with the Drifters and their Doomsday weapons; arguably the biggest threat in Pochven.
    During all of this, engaging and destroying Triglavian forces was actively avoided as this will weaken the forces that should defend those residing in Pochven.

During all of this; ARC welcomed all pilots, regardless of their background. This included multiple members from the Stribog Clade and other pro-Triglavian pilots. They were welcomed and treated like any other pilot, without any suspicion or accusations. Even after attacks from Stribog fleets.


  • ARC is a scientific organisation and it has clearly gone above and beyond what can be expected of any scientific group.

  • Mass evacuation efforts were impossible as long as the use of Triglavian gates within Pochven required to be held in good standings by the Triglavian Collective;

  • Then there is the disturbing recent news of the clades infighting on planets with troops that originate from other planets.

Clearly there is no better time for mass evacuation efforts to assist people who wish to leave Pochven.

Since the request for a joined evacuation effort was made, there have been plenty of accusations and concerns directed at ARC, including slander and mud throwing. ARC has adressed these accusations and concerns and once again given the opportunity for observers to be present. ARC has been extremele open about the plans and more information will be made available in the next couple of days.

Just as with the Vale evacuation, ARC has extended a hand in order to show good faith. This has been done in order to try and avoid conflict and violence for the sake of those who are residing in Pochven. Instead of taking that hand and showing that your organisation does care about those who live in Pochven, you have decided on this response.

While not suprising, I had hopes for a different reply.


(ARC Fleet Commander)
(CONCORD Loyalist)