[ARC] Joined operation request to the Empires, EDENCOM and loyal capsuleers

There is a lot of criticism and several accusations. I’ll adress these as much as possible in this single reply.

  • @Lauralite_Anne_Brezia There are clear limitations to what a single capsuleer organisation can achieve. ARC is genuine in its desire to evacuate people still stranded in Pochven but the success of the evacuation depends heavily on the Empires, EDENCOM and capsuleers working together to achieve this. The near total free usage of Triglavian gates within Pochven finally provides an opportunity for such a large scale operation. To state this is just for PR purposes is extremely distateful.

  • @Woodrow_Ormand ARC has done a lof of research on the Triglavians and published multiple publicly available reports on this. One of these reports included the importance of blue stars and a list of systems that were very likely to get targeted. This was far before the Triglavians began their efforts to conquer systems and the ‘creation’ of the Pochven region.

    When Pochven was created, ARC was active for months in Pochven to deal with the threat of Roque Drones, Sleepers and Drifters. ARC made another publicly available report on how to deal with the Drifters and their Doomsday weapons; arguably the biggest threat in Pochven.
    During all of this, engaging and destroying Triglavian forces was actively avoided as this will weaken the forces that should defend those residing in Pochven.

    When ARC made the discovery of the Triglavian gates in Pochven, it went public on the very same day to make this information public knowledge and to call for joined operations.
    In short: ARC has gone above and beyond what could be expected from any scientific organisation.

  • With regard to the Vale evacuation efforts: I refer to the replies from @Arsia_Elkin , @Elsebeth_Rhiannon and @Lasairiona_Raske.

  • To those who have offered their support, it is greatly appreciated and I look forward to discuss and coordinate our joined efforts.

  • With regard to the requested details on the ‘how do you plan to do this?’: organising any joined operations, especially on this scale, presents a lot of challenges. More details will follow as soon as possible but with OpSec in mind.


(ARC Fleet Commander)
(CONCORD Loyalist)