Fellow Capsuleers
This is a statement which was promised during the Yulai Triglav Conference at the end of YC121. It covers the Arataka Research Consortium’s (ARC) stance towards capsuleers and corporations which choose to cooperate with the Convocation of Triglav in regard to their invading efforts. We also give a direct answer to the two questions raised by Sahriah Bloodstone from Triumvirate. and Aliza Kootz from Frigates Die First.
The Arataka Research Consortium is dedicated to the mutual development of the empires, mainly through our spearheading into coordinated, multilateral scientific research and the exploration into the borders of the yet unknown. We support operations which protect the empires and their inhabitants.
We are also aware that we are operating at the brink of transhumanism by definition (as capsuleers), which means that we are open-minded for many possible future developments of mankind, including possible prospects the Triglavians might offer. We therefor evaluate any cooperation or alliance with Triglavians based on the single case and in the light of our values and goals.
Siding against the empire forces is not supported by ARC due to the unknown implications of Triglavians’ sun manipulation and the latest cases of abductions and possible bioadaptive experiments on humans. We rather urge capsuleers to prevent those manipulations whenever possible - at least as long as their nature and end is unknown. We lend weight to this position with our Anti-Triglavian fleets and our efforts to track and disassemble the Stellar Accelerators.
Answering to Aliza Kootz’ question regarding our stance towards Null Security alliances in affiliation with the Convocation of Triglav, we repeat the above statement. We do not, unlike I-RED for example, take an aggressive stance against those who side with the Triglavians at the Observatory Flashpoints. However, we point out with the uttermost emphasis that there is currently no rational reason to support Triglavians in their efforts; at least not from a scientific and peacekeeping point of view.
Answering to Sahirah Bloodstone we support the use of capsuleer-led capital class vessels against the Triglavian forces within core empire borders. We would urge CONCORD to allow those currently banned vessels to be fielded if the empires themselves do not have the capability to counter the threat effectively. However, in the current situation such measures appear to be unjustified. Also, any use of capsuleer-led capital class vessels in low or high security space should also be heavily regulated to prevent any misuse and destabilization; e.g. by restricting aggression to certain areas of space or certain targets designated by CONCORD.
These statements are a fluid endeavor on its own, because we see more and more indications that the Convocation of Triglav is establishing themselves as a party which has to be taken seriously as a political entity (compared to the Drifters, for example).
There are already several reasons to debate that right now. After all, the Convocation manipulates ISK payments, they lure us with rewards from advanced technology blueprints, we had few but determined pro Triglavian voices among our conference participants; and just remember that we already saw a Trigmania going through popular baseliner culture a few months ago.
What we want to facilitate here is not a discussion of ARC’s policy, but rather a discourse on different perspectives to deal with the Convocation of Triglav as a political body in general. How do we deal with them, if ignorance is no longer a valid option and they sit down at the table?
Thank you for your interest.
Haria Haritimado